Okay so I always tell Jeron he should never say "Stupid Van", or "The Van Sucks". I think it has been a great vehicle for us. It fits us all perfectly, and is very reliable. I told him if he said negative things about it, it just might not want to work for us anymore. I know I am weird, but I think all things have a bit of "energy". Therefore if I say the van sucks it might feel my negative energy and not want to work for me.
Well...I guess it is that time. The poor little guy just gave up today. I had all the kids buckled, Elsie had stopped crying,we found Ellie's shoe, got JJ fitted nicely in the back(He hates the back)and Emma helping with Elsie. I ran up to grab my cell phone(Which I always forget)got in the car checked my lip stick and turned the key. Nothing...turned it again...nothing...turned it again and this time I think the van was telling me off. It started making the blinker noise, door open sound, and a noise like bees buzzing inside the manifold.
So I called my brother and he reaffirmed that the battery had died. I got my neighbor to come and help me jump my car. Thanks to her know how we got it done. Then I headed off to see my cousin and her little girl. On our way the radio started going in and out, the lights started to flicker, and the battery light came on. I called David again...now he thinks it is the alternator. Seriously, I think we really need to be kinder and maybe it will start to work for me again.
The engine has been overheating for a while now. This has meant that I could only drive in a 15 mile radius of our home...and it was just a matter of time before something else gave up. I really hate this kind of stuff. I have absolutely NO knowledge in the mechanical area. Maybe I should buy Mechanic's for Dummies. Any how...wish us luck. We need all the help we can get right now.
There is a mechanic in the neighborhood...I am sure he could help you...
Cars do suck! But we goota have em, good luck. Cacia
Oh man! I am sorry. I hate money too. That is the only thing that is going to fix the poor little guy (girl?) or you will need to buy a new one. Sorry!
I loved your play by play of "getting ready to go", don't you love the running back inside 15 times before you actually back out! I hope everything works out okay!
We missed you guys today! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that your car will start working again and wish us luck because we just found out that our car problem is related to the transmission. Monday is not going to be a fun day...$$$$. Stupid cars :)
Sorry about the van. I just spent 2 weeks without mine while it was in the shop. What a pain!!!
Seriously what is with all the car problems? I hate them!
Sorry it's still not working. I hate car problems. Have you tried calling Dan Hales? If you need a ride anywhere or just need your kids out of your hair for a little while call me ok. Thanks again for letting Madi play.
Cars suck! Oh wait, too much bad energy...he he! So sorry. I hate feeling stranded. Good luck!
I am so sorry. I am impressed that you were able to jump your car. Katie and I have had to haul in five people to do that.
I am so sorry! Car problems don't work well with a busy mom and little kids! I hope you can get it figured out soon!
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