Elsie shared her day today with a little angel in the neighborhood. They live behind us and we just love the family. I know that Elsie and Paige will be the best of friends being so close and all. It was fun to get picutures of the two girls.

Today was Elsie's big day. She looked so pretty in her blessing dress. Jeron was telling me that when he got her dressed this morning that he thought she looked so beautiful. He got a little choked up thinking about what was about to take place. He said it was a really sweet moment that the two of them shared. He did a wonderful job on her blessing. I think it is one of the sweetest things when a Daddy gets up and blesses his baby. Even sweeter is when Jeron says the name of our children...he always cries. I love that moment. I always hope that he will cry when he says their name because then I know that it is the "right" name. He cried when he said Elsie's name...this made me smile. The blessing was beautiful. I even have a copy of it because a woman in my ward wrote it down. She is the best!
The day turned out to be a really nice one. We had a lot of family and friends come by. I love it when we have these kind of things because then I get to see all the people who mean so much to me. I really felt the absense of the ones who didn't come. THere was a couple of times that I got choked up thinking about them. We missed you dearly and were thinking about you.
I'm sad I wasn't able to come...:( But I will see her soon enough. She looks adorable and I'm glad everything went well. I love you and all your fam. You guys are so cute. Oh and thanks for posting pics of Natalie's kids again. They really are super cute.
What a beautiful day. Thanks for inviting us to be a part of it! Little Elsie is a beautie. She takes after her mommy of course!
P.S. Griffin slept with that gun in his bed last night and is napping with it now! Thanks for letting him borrow it!
She looks so beautiful! What a neat day for you guys, Congratulations!!
She is so beautiful! Enter her in a baby contest already! :) Sorry I couldn't make it; I was sad, but glad Nate could run over quickly. You wouldn't have wanted us; Chloe has hand-foot-mouth virus.
I could cry right now! What a beautiful baby girl you have! I am so sorry that I couldn't be there. We thought about you a lot on the 4th I know it is your favorite holiday, and I always think of you on it. I am glad that you had such a great day. Congratulations!!
I am so sad I wasn't there. She is so beautiful. I am so glad it went well. I love you guys so much!
What a special day for you. She looks beautiful. Is that the same dress your other girls wore? I love all you 4th of July pictures. So fun!!!
Those are some good lookin families! Wish we could have been there. Thanks for putting that Depeche Mode song on your blog - I haven't heard that song since high school but I really love it! I was glad to hear it again.
Thanks for posting so many fun pictures! I still feel bad that we missed it, but I'm glad that it went well. I can't get over how big and beautiful Elsie's eyes are.
Elsie looks so happy! You can tell she loves her family as much as they love her!!! Sorry I missed the gathering, but we did make it for the blessing (in the hall). I know what you mean by Jeron getting choked up, only it doesn't make me smile - it makes me want to join in the tears!
Wow, Elsie is so pretty! I love her big eyes in all her sibling pictures. Congrats on the beautiful day. I agree baby blessings are very tender moments between father and child that we are lucky enough to get to observe!
It was a beautiful blessing...and I'm glad I could participate and know your family. Your one of a kind. Love you guys!
Wow, you guys sure are loved! I love seeing pictures of all teh family. Elsie is so precious, and in that first picture, she totally looks like you Megan! And what a sweet picture of her and her little friend. How fun that they could share the special day together.
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