Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nov 24-30

It was a busy week.  On Monday I babysat Mac and Keegan as usual.  Tuesday I got a call from Jan.  She wanted to get us a Christmas tree.  I felt horrible accepting a tree considering the circumstances in her life right now.  She insisted so I headed down to Tia Pan.  She was very generous and helped us get a fabulous tree.  We stopped in to see Grandpa.  He was looking really good.  He is coming a long way.  On Wednesday I had Mac and Keegan plus Kaiya and Ryan.  It was crazy and I had to get ready for Thanksgiving.  We made it work somehow.  I was able to work on the turkey with Emma.  That was fun to do that with her.  
Thanksgiving went off with only a few minor issues but nothing to crazy.  We had a good day.  Jeron was kind of in a funk but that is expected considering the circumstances.  We had my parents over and then David called and said his turkey didn't thaw so him, Lindsay, and Kaden came up as well.  We had a great time.  That night at 10:45 we got a call from Jan that Gene had been over medicated and went into cardiac arrest.  He had to be moved back to the ICU.  He had looked so good when I saw him last.  I am so upset that the nurse did this to him.  

On Sunday we had just gotten home from church.  I was taking off my clothes and JJ brings Elsie into my bathroom with blood all over her face.  She had hit her eye on the corner of her dresser and split it right open.  She had to go to the ER and have it glued.  We got in and out pretty quick and made it home in time to head to tithing settlement.  Busy life.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nov 17-23

 This week is one that started off just like any other and took a dramatic turn for the worst.  Grandpa Gene came to see me on Tuesday to drop off some money for the kids to go get ice cream.  We had a good chat and he headed on his way.  I remember when the door knocked I had just sat down for a second after a busy afternoon.  I hesitated to even go to the door because I was tired.  I was happy to find Gene standing there.  He does this every once in a while.  He drops in to see the kids and chat with me.  We love these visits.  Little did I know how important this visit was.  It would be the last time I saw him before his accident.  I got a call from Jeron while I was running around on Wednesday getting ready for YWs.  He was very upset.  He had just found out that Gene had been in a horrible car accident.  He was hit head on by a SUV head on.  He broke his neck and injured his spinal cord.  They weren't sure he would make it through the night.  It has been a hard week for our family, especially Jan.  It really puts things into perspective.  I had a special day with him before the accident but I took it for granted.  I don't anymore.  I just hope he has a full recovery.  More details are in the pages.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nov 9-16

 On Thursday while Jeron was away it was a night from hell.  Here is the text I sent Jeron.  One kid pukes in the sink, it clogs! Said kid then decides to use my scrapping spatula to go down the drain, it gets wedged in the pipe and breaks! In the meantime I'm trying to move our van that has a dead battery. So we don't get a ticket. Two ornery kids come out to help. Finally we push it up the driveway into the garage. I then go back in the house to find in the puke bathroom the littlest has torn all the bows off the bow holder (which I happened to organize two days prior) I redo the bows and take apart the pipes under the sink. I go in my bathroom to empty the puke that has poured out of the pipes into a bowl. I find that the littlest has moved on to my bathroom and thrown all of the teeny tiny child's elastics all over the floor. As I walk in that child slips and smacks her head on the floor, because the next child from her left the bathroom sopping wet. I would like to say I laughed it off but nope. I didn't. I screamed, cried, and had a full on temper tantrum. It's nights like these that make me wonder "what is the maximum drop off age at the fire department. "Because frankly I'm done!!!!! In the morning I will love them all again...hopefully

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014