Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nov 17-23

 This week is one that started off just like any other and took a dramatic turn for the worst.  Grandpa Gene came to see me on Tuesday to drop off some money for the kids to go get ice cream.  We had a good chat and he headed on his way.  I remember when the door knocked I had just sat down for a second after a busy afternoon.  I hesitated to even go to the door because I was tired.  I was happy to find Gene standing there.  He does this every once in a while.  He drops in to see the kids and chat with me.  We love these visits.  Little did I know how important this visit was.  It would be the last time I saw him before his accident.  I got a call from Jeron while I was running around on Wednesday getting ready for YWs.  He was very upset.  He had just found out that Gene had been in a horrible car accident.  He was hit head on by a SUV head on.  He broke his neck and injured his spinal cord.  They weren't sure he would make it through the night.  It has been a hard week for our family, especially Jan.  It really puts things into perspective.  I had a special day with him before the accident but I took it for granted.  I don't anymore.  I just hope he has a full recovery.  More details are in the pages.

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