Jeron was the coach of Emma's t-ball team. When we got the coaches packet there was an insert that said Field of Dreams on it. If we signed our team up there was a chance that we would get to stand with the Bees during the National Anthem at a game. I of course jumped on that and registered them online. About three weeks later I get a call from the director of ticket sales. Out of 5000 entries our cute little t-ball team WON!
In front of a sold out crowd our cute little kids got to stand on the field. They introduced them on the loud speaker. "The undefeated Farmington Mets...number nine Pitcher Emma Snoooooow" and showed their cute little faces on the jumbo tron as they were being introduced. It was so sticken' cute. They introduced them just like they did with the Bees. When it was time to sing the National Anthem the kids all ran to their positions on the field. Emma ran to the pitchers mound. They stood there until the Anthem was over. Then they got to go on a tour of the inside. They got hats and playing cards. I think the kids loved it. I wonder if they know this isn't something that happens to just anyone.
There is always fireworks at the Bees game on the 24th because it is Pioneer Day.
Jeron and I went last year(thanks Meads')This was our second time going on the 24th and we hope to make this a tradition. I think everyone should just plan on it for next year. I mean who can beat a baseball game and fireworks. Thanks to everyone for coming. All the support we get means a lot.

With a few complications with the seating I was stressed to the max, but the kids had a blast and that is what it was all about. I am glad I signed us up...but I am so glad that that is over. I get stressed when I am in charge of arranging things. No wonder because I screwed up somewhere. We were short four tickets. Thanks to some of the other parents lapping there kids we all made it in. My parents had to keep jumping seats and I got to hold Emma and Jeron held JJ, but it all worked out. Seriously though it was so much fun.
You are on top of blogging! It was such a fun night; thanks for signing them up and winning!!! Sorry you had ticket complications. We (my family) got split up, but we had enough seats; sorry you had to lap. I would have held a child or two. :)
I want to go every year too. It was so much fun. The fireworks were amazing.
Jeron, thanks for being the coach; Gavin loves you. It was a fun year; hope we are on the same team next year.
HOW fun! I can't believe what a neat opportunity that was for their little team. They will never forget! What a good mama you are, for signing them up! :)
You rock! What a fun memory for all of them and I love that they announced their names!!
That looks like so much fun!! What a neat experience for Emma.
What a great experience for all of those kids. They are lucky to have such a great coaching staff! Looks like a ton of fun.
How Cool!! You can tell by the looks on all their faces that they were in heaven!
How cool that Emma's team got picked! That is REALLY neat. It looks like you all had a fun day. Happy 24th of July!
That is so awesome. I bet the kids had a great time. We did this last year and the kids thought it was great. Cool fireworks too.
You have the CUTEST family! And how lucky are you that Emma's team got picked. So cool! And great pics...Emma looks like she was loving every minute.
That was such a great night!! Thanks for being in charge of everything... sorry it turned out to be so stressful!!
Thanks, again to you and Jeron for everything you did for the team this year. Max LOVED it!!
I tried to snap a pic or two of Emma on the pitcher's mound. Not sure if they turned out. I burn you a CD of the pics I got on the field and on the tour.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's was such a fun evening - despite the seating issues. This was our first family outing to a "real" baseball game, and I don't think Jaron realized ALL baseball games are not like that (ie. him being the center of attention, getting a backstage tour and all the free goodies). It was a ton of fun. Thank you (oh yeah, and Jeron, too!) for all your hard work!
HOw fun. Just wondering though, is that a child leash on Ellie?
so fun, I'm sad we were out of town for it. Looks like the kids had a great time.
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