Thursday, July 31, 2008
my poor van is ....dying

Okay so I always tell Jeron he should never say "Stupid Van", or "The Van Sucks". I think it has been a great vehicle for us. It fits us all perfectly, and is very reliable. I told him if he said negative things about it, it just might not want to work for us anymore. I know I am weird, but I think all things have a bit of "energy". Therefore if I say the van sucks it might feel my negative energy and not want to work for me.
Well...I guess it is that time. The poor little guy just gave up today. I had all the kids buckled, Elsie had stopped crying,we found Ellie's shoe, got JJ fitted nicely in the back(He hates the back)and Emma helping with Elsie. I ran up to grab my cell phone(Which I always forget)got in the car checked my lip stick and turned the key. Nothing...turned it again...nothing...turned it again and this time I think the van was telling me off. It started making the blinker noise, door open sound, and a noise like bees buzzing inside the manifold.
So I called my brother and he reaffirmed that the battery had died. I got my neighbor to come and help me jump my car. Thanks to her know how we got it done. Then I headed off to see my cousin and her little girl. On our way the radio started going in and out, the lights started to flicker, and the battery light came on. I called David again...now he thinks it is the alternator. Seriously, I think we really need to be kinder and maybe it will start to work for me again.
The engine has been overheating for a while now. This has meant that I could only drive in a 15 mile radius of our home...and it was just a matter of time before something else gave up. I really hate this kind of stuff. I have absolutely NO knowledge in the mechanical area. Maybe I should buy Mechanic's for Dummies. Any how...wish us luck. We need all the help we can get right now.
Summer time
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Harry Potter...JJ and Emma are so excited

Okay, so am I...but with all the Twilight hype I just wanted you all to remember that Harry Potter is coming soon. Click here to see the trailer. It looks so good!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wow...I have the same name
I share my name with a lot of girls
Jeron has the same as one other person. Could that be JJ? Emma had 53, Ellie had 2 which I found odd. Elsie had 35. Cool Beans
Jeron has the same as one other person. Could that be JJ? Emma had 53, Ellie had 2 which I found odd. Elsie had 35. Cool Beans
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Deer Valley and the royal treatment
Jeron's Uncle Brad and family came from Hawaii to visit. This is always a fun time with everyone. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Gene took everyone on the Alpine Slides. The kids had a lot of fun. JJ rode with Brad and Emma rode with Jeron. I stayed with the Elsie and Ellie. Grandma took Ellie on the Merry-Go-Round while the big kids did that. They took a while (over and hour) so we ate a slushy as well. Ellie thought that was pretty cool. (pun intended)
After we headed up to Deer Valley to hang out, eat, and sit in the hot tube. Roger can get some pretty fabulous rooms up in Deer Valley, and so he did it again. The Utah Symphony was playing right across the way. It was fun, they did a Beatles tribute. In the picture of the kids in the hot tube you can see our view. It was amazing. I think it looks like a picture. There was an awesome rain storm. Which is one of my favorite things. I just wish I could have run around in it. It was a fun one to watch though.
JJ and Emma were in heaven with Turner.(Jeron's cousin) He is 17 and one of the sweetest 17 year olds I have ever met. I always like to see the Harrison side of the family. They are all so nice and good to us. We had a really fun relaxing time. Grandma B is always such a sweetheart to me. I feel she genuinely loves me. I have always felt very accepted by her. We really need to get together with them more. It is nice to hang with family. I don't know why I didn't get a pic with any of the Osgethorpe's, Grandpa Gene or Jeff but they were there as well.

After we headed up to Deer Valley to hang out, eat, and sit in the hot tube. Roger can get some pretty fabulous rooms up in Deer Valley, and so he did it again. The Utah Symphony was playing right across the way. It was fun, they did a Beatles tribute. In the picture of the kids in the hot tube you can see our view. It was amazing. I think it looks like a picture. There was an awesome rain storm. Which is one of my favorite things. I just wish I could have run around in it. It was a fun one to watch though.
JJ and Emma were in heaven with Turner.(Jeron's cousin) He is 17 and one of the sweetest 17 year olds I have ever met. I always like to see the Harrison side of the family. They are all so nice and good to us. We had a really fun relaxing time. Grandma B is always such a sweetheart to me. I feel she genuinely loves me. I have always felt very accepted by her. We really need to get together with them more. It is nice to hang with family. I don't know why I didn't get a pic with any of the Osgethorpe's, Grandpa Gene or Jeff but they were there as well.

Extended Snow Family
Friday, July 25, 2008
Catching up with the fam.
We went to dinner on Friday night with the Monson side of my family. It was so much fun to see everyone. I forgot I had my camera until half the people left. But I was able to snap a few with those that stayed to chat. All the "adults" as I referred to them were going to the Mormon Tabernacle Performance that night at the Conference Center. This gave us the perfect opportunity to meet at Hires before hand. It was so good to see those that could come. One of the reasons that I love when Carl comes to town is because then it means we will all get together. We really need to do this more often.

Monson Family
Thursday, July 24, 2008
fiEld oF dReaMs...aNd 24th oF jUly
Jeron was the coach of Emma's t-ball team. When we got the coaches packet there was an insert that said Field of Dreams on it. If we signed our team up there was a chance that we would get to stand with the Bees during the National Anthem at a game. I of course jumped on that and registered them online. About three weeks later I get a call from the director of ticket sales. Out of 5000 entries our cute little t-ball team WON!
In front of a sold out crowd our cute little kids got to stand on the field. They introduced them on the loud speaker. "The undefeated Farmington Mets...number nine Pitcher Emma Snoooooow" and showed their cute little faces on the jumbo tron as they were being introduced. It was so sticken' cute. They introduced them just like they did with the Bees. When it was time to sing the National Anthem the kids all ran to their positions on the field. Emma ran to the pitchers mound. They stood there until the Anthem was over. Then they got to go on a tour of the inside. They got hats and playing cards. I think the kids loved it. I wonder if they know this isn't something that happens to just anyone.
There is always fireworks at the Bees game on the 24th because it is Pioneer Day.
Jeron and I went last year(thanks Meads')This was our second time going on the 24th and we hope to make this a tradition. I think everyone should just plan on it for next year. I mean who can beat a baseball game and fireworks. Thanks to everyone for coming. All the support we get means a lot.

With a few complications with the seating I was stressed to the max, but the kids had a blast and that is what it was all about. I am glad I signed us up...but I am so glad that that is over. I get stressed when I am in charge of arranging things. No wonder because I screwed up somewhere. We were short four tickets. Thanks to some of the other parents lapping there kids we all made it in. My parents had to keep jumping seats and I got to hold Emma and Jeron held JJ, but it all worked out. Seriously though it was so much fun.
Daddy's Doings,
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Happy Birthday Me Dear
Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy birthday dear me. Happy birthday to me.

I think the older you get the more your birthday just kind of blends in with every other day. This is a really sad fact for me. I love my birthday. It has always been one of my favorite days. I have had a hard time dealing with letting go of the child like wonder when this day comes. I was always treated like a princess on my birthday and hoped it would always be that way.
Maybe that is why so many of you have been awesome to me and made my day special. I had phone call after phone call from family and friends calling to wish me a happy birthday. My good friend arranged a lunch for me in the park with only the yummiest of food. A lot of my favorite people came. My other good friend made me a cake. My husband got balloons. My family all came over for cake and ice cream. My friend drove an hour to see me. My Uncle flew in from Chicago. Seriously what more could a girl want? Thank you everyone for making me feel special on my special day! I love you all!

I think the older you get the more your birthday just kind of blends in with every other day. This is a really sad fact for me. I love my birthday. It has always been one of my favorite days. I have had a hard time dealing with letting go of the child like wonder when this day comes. I was always treated like a princess on my birthday and hoped it would always be that way.
Maybe that is why so many of you have been awesome to me and made my day special. I had phone call after phone call from family and friends calling to wish me a happy birthday. My good friend arranged a lunch for me in the park with only the yummiest of food. A lot of my favorite people came. My other good friend made me a cake. My husband got balloons. My family all came over for cake and ice cream. My friend drove an hour to see me. My Uncle flew in from Chicago. Seriously what more could a girl want? Thank you everyone for making me feel special on my special day! I love you all!
Fabulous Friends,
Mom's Moments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
whAt fUn is pArt tWo
Lucky Us...stake lagoon day is during bounce back. Which basically means we get to do it all over again. Only this time Jeron and I had the bright idea to do Lagoon-a-beach the first half of the day. First off it smells like Elephant Encounters at the Zoo. (does that bother anyone else?) Second there is like oh I don't know four million people there, and where do they find these people. Third it is DIRTY and not much bothers me in the dirty department! Forth the "grass" is basically just mud. Last but not least you have to pay to rent tubes. Are you kidding me. I am shocked and to stress that again I AM SHOCKED that people actually buy season passes to this place. Two days is one day too many. I know I am a snob, brat, what have you but it makes my skin crawl. I will never and I mean never go back to Lagoon-A-Beach if I have any say in the matter.
Jeron and I went our separate ways then we met up to have lunch it was then that we both looked at each other and said "Let's get the heck out of here." My skin crawls now just thinking about it. Oh was I glad when that was over.
We met up with the Richards right after we left Elephant Encounters. That is when it got good. I love my cousin. We have been more like sisters our whole lives. I have a blast whenever I am with her. The best part is that our husbands like each other and our kids LOVE each other. We hung out the rest of the time. Taking turns on rides and watching the kids. My kids went from being brave to being total chickens. Is it the age? JJ refused to go on the samari and Brookie went. I would never have let someone show me up. I have way to much pride to do that. She had a blast...I really wish he had tried it. He did do the rocket with a little coaxing on Jeron's part. I guess I should back off a little.
I learned my lesson with JJ and made Emma go on Wicked with me. She was so mad at me. She was crying and right when the ride started she screamed at the top of her lungs..."I don't want to go on this ride" I laughed the whole way. I know that is probably border line abuse. I will have to say it was very funny. She survived and now she can say she went twice on wicked.
It was a long day but it will make for some great memories. I know my kids had a blast and that is all that matters...right?

Jeron and I went our separate ways then we met up to have lunch it was then that we both looked at each other and said "Let's get the heck out of here." My skin crawls now just thinking about it. Oh was I glad when that was over.
We met up with the Richards right after we left Elephant Encounters. That is when it got good. I love my cousin. We have been more like sisters our whole lives. I have a blast whenever I am with her. The best part is that our husbands like each other and our kids LOVE each other. We hung out the rest of the time. Taking turns on rides and watching the kids. My kids went from being brave to being total chickens. Is it the age? JJ refused to go on the samari and Brookie went. I would never have let someone show me up. I have way to much pride to do that. She had a blast...I really wish he had tried it. He did do the rocket with a little coaxing on Jeron's part. I guess I should back off a little.
I learned my lesson with JJ and made Emma go on Wicked with me. She was so mad at me. She was crying and right when the ride started she screamed at the top of her lungs..."I don't want to go on this ride" I laughed the whole way. I know that is probably border line abuse. I will have to say it was very funny. She survived and now she can say she went twice on wicked.
It was a long day but it will make for some great memories. I know my kids had a blast and that is all that matters...right?

Famiy Fun,
Monson Family
Sunday, July 20, 2008
mOre nEw pLay dRessEs...tOo cUte
I have to say that right now I am pretty impressed with myself. I was looking on line at Emma and Avery wishing and hoping that I would be able to get one of the dresses when I realized that I could try to make it...so I did. The one Ellie is wearing is the same one. I really am very proud of myself. I did it without a pattern. Yes if a seamstress looked at it she would die...but for me it is wonderful. Emma's was a version of Ellie's. I think she could wear hers to church. She is dying though because she loves it so much she wants to wear it as a play dress. She will win...I think.

Domestic Diva,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tonight we were invited to celebrate Rick's 50th birthday. (He is a family friend from Burley)We went to Draper to his son's friends house. It was incredible to say the least. He has an awesome pool with a waterfall and slide. It was so much fun. The kids had a blast. They surprised me by jumping off the waterfall. Brave little ones. JJ was determined to beat his Dad off the jump. He went after Jeron but took less time in doing it. Jeron was very impressed by his kids. Emma went twice...so then JJ of course had too. It was a fun night. I have always loved to hang out with the Kober's. Thanks for the invite.

Fabulous Friends,
Famiy Fun,
Meads Family
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