We took a day off today and let the kids rest in front of movie after movie. They watched Sound of Music and Annie. Maren grew up watching Annie over and over and over so it only seemed fitting to introduce my girls to Annie with Aunt Maren there. What we learned though is that Maren and I have never actually seen all of Annie. We had a recorded version from the TV. They left out a lot. There were songs we had never seen. It was crazy.
After sitting around all day we left to pick up Ryan. Then we headed to Pentagon CIty to go shopping for JJ and Emma. I wanted to get them something from DC.

After we headed to 7-11 to get me a coke Slurpee. While I was in the store a Hispanic man came up behind me in line. I turned around and we made eye contact.
Man: "Hey" Eyebrows raised in a come and get it sort of way.
Me: "Hi"
Man: "What's your name?" in a seductive creepy sounding way
Me: "Megan, and yours?" In a I am married and have four kids kind of way
Man: "You married?"
Me: "Yep!" as I showed him my ring
Man: "Are you sure?" In a I am way beyond creepy and you should be freaked out now way
Me: "VERY" In a could you get me out of here fast enough
As I left I got eyed up and down by this "nice" man. I will have to say as creepy as it was and as DESPERATE as he was it does feel good to know that someone out there still thinks I am worth looking at. Even if he was a creepy guy.
I have never been so grateful to have a van waiting from me outside with the engine going and people inside.
My two little sickos

That night we ate in. We had Artichoke Chicken thanks to Ryan and yummy bread from Wegman's. Okay, so this dinner was eaten at 9:30 that night. We were all a little crazy and I think this is the day Ryan wished Ellie's ruby red shoes could really click together and send us home. He never made us feel that way, but I can just imagine he did. How could he not with two sick kids, and a sick mother-in-law. I had all these plans of going and helping Maren out and really all I could do was help my kids and try to keep them away from Lucy.
Gotta love creepy guys that bust moves! LOL
You still got it, just the normal guys have respect for the ring!
I love reading about your trip! Sounds like you had a good time!
How pretty Great Falls looks. Your mom's hair looks GREAT. So I never knew you wanted to work at the CIA?!? So do I...CRAZY! I would LOVE it. I actually have a cousin who does. Anyway Funny story about Annie. I hope the kids get better soon!
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