My mom and dad have raved about their Potbelly's sandwiches ever since they tried one in DC. I knew that when I went my mom would definitely want to go and get one. Maren is just as addicted as my parents.
Us goofy girls trying to get a pic of the sign.

OooheeeOooh with Ms Ellie

Mama and Boo

My first picture of me with Lulu.

Mama, Maren, and Lucy

Me and my ladies

Hi Boo

Oh, how I love these girls

and oh, how I love these ladies.

So I got the wreck sandwich. I will have to say it is pretty darn tasty. I love that it has HOT jalapenos on it. Yummers!! I think that Elsie was so tired and wondering why we kept dragging her all over the place. She was not feeling that hot. Poor baby.
After we left Potbelly's we went to DC and drove around. I didn't get a pic of the church where President Bush went last time I was in DC so I only made Maren stop for one pic. Well it would have been one pic but...

This is not the church. I thought, hmmm my memory is worse than I thought. That was until we turned the corner and Maren laughed and said, "Um, I believe this is the church you are looking for."
Yes, that is more like it!

I just think it is so cute. I know cute ugh, tacky word, but it works for me. I learned that the lady out front of the White House was in her tent even in the huge snow storm. She is truly dedicated to her cause. Crazy! but dedicated. After our drive around DC we went and picked up Ryan at work and then headed to Tyson's Corner for some shopping.
It is Emma's birthday when I get home so I told her I would go to H & M to shop for her. She loves my sisters style so she was rather excited that Maren would be shopping with me. She feels pretty darn lucky that she gets clothes that no one in Utah has.

After I dropped a bunch of bills at H & M it was time to eat. What is a trip with Maren without going to CPK?

Thanks again to the spoiling of my mom we ate at CPK. This is when I realized that Ellie was SICK!!! Really, could this trip get any better. No, I love that I was with my mom, sis, Lulu, and Ry but oh me, oh my. I would like to travel without infecting everyone with us.
I want a sandwich!! Sounds yummy :)
Ahhhh memories. I used to work at Tyson's Corner... loved that mall!
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