We asked JJ what he wanted to do today. He wanted to go on a bike ride. So bike ride we did. We went on the Buffalo trail. This was our first entire family outing. We normally have one adult bike but our neighbors gave us theirs so we were able to ride as a family minus Emma who was on a 6 mile ride of her own with her friend.
JJ loving the swampy water. I am loving that BLUE sky.

Elsie cried the entire time. She was nervous the whole time. UGH! Poor Ellie had her screaming in her ear the whole time.

Jeron and I traded bikes to see it that might help Boo. It did! She stopped crying once I took them. I guess Dad made her nervous. Hmmmmm. Me safer? I have her fooled.

Jeron enjoying the beautiful weather.

It was a lot of fun. We need to get a bike that works for my behind a little better. Poor tailbone. Also Ellie needs a new seat. Anyone know if there is an attachment for older kids?
You guys have such awesome outdoor stuff to do around there. Lucky!
will the blue sky ever return????
OHHH!!! Sometimes I don't like reading your blog! I love buffalo ranch trail. So wish I could transport myself there today and go on it. And actually I always love reading your blog. The other day I took my kids on the rivers edge trail, that was so cool, comparable to buffalo ranches trail, but oh how I miss those mountains! They will forever mean home to me! Love you megs! Think your the best mom ever!
They do have attachments for older kids, but she would have to be able to sit on a bike because it looks like a bike with only one wheel. She would also have to peddle a little I think.
We have to bike on the street which isn't near as cool as your Buffalo Trail.
I am so impressed and jealous! I love going on bike rides but this year with a newborn I don't see it happening too often. I did go on a short ride a few weeks ago but seriously thought I put myself into labor so that has come to an end as well! I hope you are enjoying your spring break!!
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