Poor Maren was trying her darnedest to think of things for us to do. With everyone a little under the weather it made it hard to go to very public places. We went to Great Falls. Maren and Ryan love this place. Ryan will take a book and read here, and Maren with nap or people watch. It was beautiful. One of my trips I really need to try to go back in the late Spring early Summer. As of right now I offically do not believe that DC/Virginia has any leafs or greenery of any sort. My sister and mother swear it does but I have yet to see any. Actually I am a sucker for a leafless tree. I actually think it is beautiful. Although, I would love to see it in all of its green splendor. The road driving to great falls is lined with trees like a Forrest only leafy trees and the occasional bamboo? What ever that is about. I remembered the places we drove past from my last visit. There are some amazingly beautiful homes and don't forget my place of employment (someday) the CIA is on this road.
When we arrived at our destination it did look a bit cold, but the waterfall was worth the wind chill. It really was very pretty, even if I can't take a landscape photo to save my life. One thing that was really cool, is the water was so high from that snow storm that hit the East coast that the falls were very rapid. Oh, and incase you miss the sign, it reads "IF YOU FALL IN THE WATER YOU WILL DROWNED!" Nothing like telling it like it is.
Lulu's first time to Great Falls with her mommy.
Once we were done at Great Falls we headed off to the highlight of Marjie's trip. She has been waiting all week to find the grocery store that Smitty and Ashlee has introduced her to.
Drum roll please...
Drum roll please...
I really have never seen my mom so excited to go grocery shopping in her life. This was about a 2 hour trip that we took to find this place. It didn't stop her though. When we got there you would have thought she was a kid in a candy store. She kept saying "look at this, over here look at this" It really was hilarious. Maren and me would chuckle and then we got caught up in the excitement. By the time we left we had more treats that an army would need. I think Ryan about passed out when he saw all the bakery items that we got. Really though, we needed to try one of each. I think if Marj could she would get a Wegman's and a Potbelly's to Utah ASAP! I was very impressed with all that they had. Funny part, there was a girl in Wegman's that was just as excited as we were. She started showing us what we needed to get. She has Wegman's Party's with her girlfriends. That just shows how great it was. Elsie was so sick in the store, so I didn't get any pictures in the store. I wish I had.
Your trip looks so fun! Sorry the little ones were sick. I want to go on a trip with you! Lets do New York or something. HAWAII remember that plan ;(.
I LOVE Great Falls... I used to go there and walk around all the time. It truly is a peaceful place to sit and think! Glad you had fun :)
Great FAlls! Wrong end of the country! but just hearing the name makes me wish you were here. I too am sad that I didn't get to see you, but I will be there in June.
Caleb just sent Emma another letter in the mail. He said to me "you know how this works...I put a letter in the mail to Emma, then she sends me one back...it's pretty cool."
Yeah, He is pretty cool. Love that kid.
Hang in there. I feel the same feelings of frustration, seeing Ryan go off skiing with the boys and playing outside with them, I feel like I am missing out on their life. I HATE it (and I really don't like that word) I get to be the "do your homework, clean your room, eat your peas mother" I hope that one day they still like me. This too will pass...that's what I am afraid of. It will pass and I hope I don't miss out on it all. YOu are totally a surviver though!!!! Right...you do what you have to, and the little things really do matter. When you pause from your work for two minutes, to just read a book to the girls, they get that...they know they are important to you. Chin up lady...your the greatest and your kids know it...and so does your husband! and so do I!!!
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