NO this is not a double post. Elsie also had her party on Sunday her birthday. I can't even believe that my baby is two. When did that happen? Elsie ends birthday-palooza for our family. We just love this little lady. SHe is full of spunk. She is so sweet and so feisty. She has the prettiest dark brown eyes. She is my only cuddly baby. She plays with my hair. (I am sure that I will miss it at some point, but as of now it drives me insane. ) She is too smart for her britches. She can speak to Ellie. She has one of the cutest voices ever. She is so playful. She loves being a "mommy" to her babies. She is a daddy's girl. She is a Juice drinker. She swears like a sailor but doesn't mean to. She is so girlie girlie. We just love our little Boo. Thanks to all who came. We sure do love you. We are very excited to see what this year will bring. Terrible Two's are some of my most favorite moments. I am excited.
What an adorable cake! You always make the cutest stuff. I wish you lived closer...I'd hire you out!
I so remember that outfit!!!!
I can't believe you still have it! She is adorable the cake is amazing of course and you are incredible!
Oh My Goodness! I love that Cake. SO CUTE!
The 2 yr old year is wonderful! Happy Birthday Boo.
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