After a lot of trips she comes up to me and pulls me to her little table she has set up for TEA! IT was the cutest thing ever. I ran in the kitchen and whipped up some heart shaped sandwiches and used all the stuff she brought up. Ellie, Elsie and I had a wonderful tea party.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
{Tea for Two}
I was cleaning around the house and I saw Ellie flipping through my Pottery Barn Kids catalog. I thought it was cute that she was just looking at it like I do. Then a little bit later, I noticed that she was on a mission. She was going up and down the stairs bringing up item after item. I rolled my eyes cause here I am cleaning and she is making a trail of mess in my wake.
After a lot of trips she comes up to me and pulls me to her little table she has set up for TEA! IT was the cutest thing ever. I ran in the kitchen and whipped up some heart shaped sandwiches and used all the stuff she brought up. Ellie, Elsie and I had a wonderful tea party.

After we were done and I was cleaning up I noticed the catalog still open to the page where Ellie had stopped looking. Now this part made me so proud and a little sad as well. I should have done this more with her. She really is a cute girlie.
After a lot of trips she comes up to me and pulls me to her little table she has set up for TEA! IT was the cutest thing ever. I ran in the kitchen and whipped up some heart shaped sandwiches and used all the stuff she brought up. Ellie, Elsie and I had a wonderful tea party.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fun at Temple Square
Okay so I am running out of ideas with this winter hanging on like it is. I needed something FREE and fun for the kids to do. Since we live in Utah we kind of don't go to Temple Square all that often. It is so close that is just seems like something we can always do. Well since it has been a long time I thought I would take the kids to "Do Temple Square" My brother asked me what do you do at Temple Square all day. Well here is how you can spend your whole day there and not have time to see it all.
Our first stop was the Church History Museum. My Grandma use to Volunteer there so I know that I love this place because of times I would go see her there. It has a lot of pioneer artifacts and tells about the starting of the LDS Church to present time. It really is a neat place. I love to learn about history and my ancestors so I really do love it. The first thing that my kids loved to see was the Death Mask of Hyrum and Joseph Smith. Emma commented that Hyrum looks like our family. She even thought JJ looked a little like the mask. See how cool ancestor stuff is. Then we saw the boat that brought the saints to America and the kids got to see what it was like to share a bunk with your whole family. They are much happier with their own beds.
In the museum the Angel Moroni is in a room where you can see the Angel Moroni on the SL Temple. The kids thought that was awesome.

The museum has a children's room. It tells how special children are. It is a small but fun interactive play house. They can do a lot and they all loved it. We stayed for about an hour and they weren't to happy when I said it was time to move on.
After the History Museum we walked around the Temple grounds. It was a bit chilly, but still beautiful.
We went to the south visitors center and watched the videos about family. JJ has already used a line on me from the videos. Family, isn't it about time commercials. He is too smart for his own good.

After the temple we headed over to the Lion House to get a treat. We had yummy cookies and talked about all the fun stuff we had done that day.

Then we took a tour of the Beehive house. My kids love to tell the missionaries that their great-grandmother lived here. The missionaries always think that is SO COOL!
After the Beehive house we went to the Joseph Smith building and waited for Dad to come so we could go see the Joseph Smith movie. We went to the Family History Center and took a picture of us at Ellis Island. We just came to America like our ancestors. They have put a play area in the Family History Center now, so the little kids played while JJ, Emma, and I searched our family out. We didn't get very far. We got the bug though. It was fun again for the kids to show the missionary that helped us that Joseph F. Smith is in their family tree. We think she about passed out. She had never met anyone related to a prophet. She is from the Philippines, so that explains why.
When Dad came we headed over to the movie theater and watched the Joseph Smith movie. This was our kick off to our knew scripture study time. We loved the movie. I can't make it through without crying. Emma and JJ both got a little teary eyed. It really has been useful to have seen that right before we start studying the Book of Mormon. I have referred to that movie a lot of times in our lessons.
It really was a fabulous day. We were not able to go to the North Visitors Center or the Conference Center or the Library. So it looks like we may need another Temple Square Day. The kids had a blast and still bring it up.
Our first stop was the Church History Museum. My Grandma use to Volunteer there so I know that I love this place because of times I would go see her there. It has a lot of pioneer artifacts and tells about the starting of the LDS Church to present time. It really is a neat place. I love to learn about history and my ancestors so I really do love it. The first thing that my kids loved to see was the Death Mask of Hyrum and Joseph Smith. Emma commented that Hyrum looks like our family. She even thought JJ looked a little like the mask. See how cool ancestor stuff is. Then we saw the boat that brought the saints to America and the kids got to see what it was like to share a bunk with your whole family. They are much happier with their own beds.

The museum has a children's room. It tells how special children are. It is a small but fun interactive play house. They can do a lot and they all loved it. We stayed for about an hour and they weren't to happy when I said it was time to move on.

JJ would not come stand in a pic to save his life, and Ellie was terrified to stand on the HUGE round platform so I had to hold her while we took a pic and she was terrified the whole time.

After the temple we headed over to the Lion House to get a treat. We had yummy cookies and talked about all the fun stuff we had done that day.
Then we took a tour of the Beehive house. My kids love to tell the missionaries that their great-grandmother lived here. The missionaries always think that is SO COOL!
It really was a fabulous day. We were not able to go to the North Visitors Center or the Conference Center or the Library. So it looks like we may need another Temple Square Day. The kids had a blast and still bring it up.
Lunch With Daddy
I have been swamped with work so when the kids had Monday off we decided to have some fun. The weather was crappy so we headed to Salt Lake to go to Temple Square and see all the sights. Before we headed to Temple Square our first stop was La Hacienda in Salt lake and met dad for lunch. It is an authentic Mexican restaurant. It was funny cause when we pulled up the JJ and Emma both said, "Why are we eating at theFarm". That is what it means I guess. The kept laughing at that. JJ then said, "I bet all of you (non spanish speaking) think it is fancy but it just means Farm." He is so funny sometimes. I told the servers that the kids spoke Spanish. They carried on full conversations with the kids and were very impressed. When they learned that neither Jeron or I spoke Spanish they were dumbfounded. It was fun to see them actually use there new language. I thought the food was good but I still love my place in Woods Cross.

We loved our lunch with dad. It was a lot of fun to see him in the middle of a work day. We sure do love him.
The kids loving each other.
Famiy Fun
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Buffalo Trail
We asked JJ what he wanted to do today. He wanted to go on a bike ride. So bike ride we did. We went on the Buffalo trail. This was our first entire family outing. We normally have one adult bike but our neighbors gave us theirs so we were able to ride as a family minus Emma who was on a 6 mile ride of her own with her friend.

Elsie cried the entire time. She was nervous the whole time. UGH! Poor Ellie had her screaming in her ear the whole time.

Jeron and I traded bikes to see it that might help Boo. It did! She stopped crying once I took them. I guess Dad made her nervous. Hmmmmm. Me safer? I have her fooled.
It was a lot of fun. We need to get a bike that works for my behind a little better. Poor tailbone. Also Ellie needs a new seat. Anyone know if there is an attachment for older kids?
JJ loving the swampy water. I am loving that BLUE sky.
Elsie cried the entire time. She was nervous the whole time. UGH! Poor Ellie had her screaming in her ear the whole time.
Jeron and I traded bikes to see it that might help Boo. It did! She stopped crying once I took them. I guess Dad made her nervous. Hmmmmm. Me safer? I have her fooled.
Famiy Fun,
Spring Fever
Friday, March 19, 2010
It was just too quiet...
I had to work a little this morning. It got too quiet for my liking. This is what I found.

Silly turkeys!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patricks Day
Our little Leprechaun is a bit of a stinker. He came to the house while I was picking the kids up from school. Not only did he turn our milk green and our pancakes this morning, but this is what we found when we got home.
I had just folder the laundry and that little leprechaun threw the clothes everywhere and dropped pennies all over the floor.
He dumped Elsie's toys...
He tore the beds apart in Emma and Ellie's room and knocked the pictures on the wall.
He messed up JJ's room and changed the letters on JJ's wall...
The kids were excited cause he left them all 2 golden dollars. We are pretty sure it is some of the money from the pot of gold. Me on the other hand was not to thrilled with all the cleaning I had to do.
Here is our funny St. Patrick's day dinner. We stole this idea from my cute cousin. She did a rainbow breakfast, so we did a rainbow dinner.
The kids were excited cause he left them all 2 golden dollars. We are pretty sure it is some of the money from the pot of gold. Me on the other hand was not to thrilled with all the cleaning I had to do.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Boo loves monsters. Ever since JJ made her the monster while he babysat she has been obsessed. She loves to run up to you and say grrrrr. Well Jeron and I saw a towel that looked like a monster at Target. (it is actually a fish) She got it for her birthday and she LOVES to put it on and chase us with it. Oh how I love my little Boo.

I really need to let her watch Monsters. She would love it. Plus the little girl's name is Boo. How cute is that!?!
I really need to let her watch Monsters. She would love it. Plus the little girl's name is Boo. How cute is that!?!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I can't believe our baby is two.
NO this is not a double post. Elsie also had her party on Sunday her birthday. I can't even believe that my baby is two. When did that happen? Elsie ends birthday-palooza for our family. We just love this little lady. SHe is full of spunk. She is so sweet and so feisty. She has the prettiest dark brown eyes. She is my only cuddly baby. She plays with my hair. (I am sure that I will miss it at some point, but as of now it drives me insane. ) She is too smart for her britches. She can speak to Ellie. She has one of the cutest voices ever. She is so playful. She loves being a "mommy" to her babies. She is a daddy's girl. She is a Juice drinker. She swears like a sailor but doesn't mean to. She is so girlie girlie. We just love our little Boo.

Thanks to all who came. We sure do love you. We are very excited to see what this year will bring. Terrible Two's are some of my most favorite moments. I am excited.

Family Party or Emma
Emma had her family party on Sunday. She had a lot of fun. IT was great to have everyone come to the party. Emma loved all the guests and the gifts. So much fun. This year Emma picked a cake called "Wonderland". IT was so much fun. Now that I have made it I could make it again. It really was cute.

Thanks to all who came. We sure do love all of you.

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