I was just reading one of my dearest friends blog and she wants so desperately to have a baby...my favorite sister is also in the same situation. My heart aches for these two very wonderful women. I would give anything to help them so that they too could have a beautiful baby or in my friends case another beautiful baby. A child is such a selfless desire. It is something so wonderful why isn't it easier for those that want a precious gift from heaven?
Then I read my brother and sister-in-laws blog and it talks of a baby born with horrible problems because the Mother couldn't tear herself away from her drugs long enough to have a child. This makes me sooooooooo angry. Someone that I know just found out that her kids have had a horrible thing happen to them. Again due to bad choices. I hate that kids and parents have to suffer because of the bad choices of some STUPID adult.
I know that things can't always be perfect but in the world we live in it just seems that so many children get hurt because of adults. When wonderful mothers so desperately want a child why can't the child get that chance. I am just very very frustrated. I don't know how to help and it is a horrible feeling when you know someones heart is breaking.
So I just pose the question WHY?
(For those wondering, I do know why this happens. I just am frustrated and upset. I am in no way questioning our Heavenly Father. I just needed to vent my frustrations and the word that keeps popping up is Why)
Even though this blog entry might show a lack of understanding of mortal life, I know that you do have an understanding as to "WHY". We go through our lives with only 33.33333% under our own control. The other 66.66667% of that is out of our control falls under two categories. We suffer adversity due to the actions of others and adversity comes simply due to mortal life. However those points don't make it easier to see bad things happen to good people. Perhaps looking at it another way will though. Remember that God is just in all things. When we see these bad things happen its hard to see how could they ever become justified. It all comes down to our faith in the fact that God is mindful of us in our tribulations and he wants us to be happy. Christ's life was never fair. From birth to death, His life was always under persecution. Now He is exalted above all. He is the center of our worship. Control that which you can (33.33%), and then that which is unjust let He who has descended below all control.
Sorry for the long comment.
I just want to thank you Smitty for your post. I am grateful to have a brother with such a wonderful understanding of the gospel. You teach me a lot! Or remind me of that which I already know. Love you
Thanks Meg (and Smitty too, that was awesome). I can feel your love and support through your words and that to me is priceless. Your little sis is amazing too (love you Maren!). I wish I had her faith and perspective on the whole situation. I think and sincerely hope that I have the faith I need to get through this but sometimes I wonder....some days I guess it is ok to breakdown and receive the love and support from friends and family, right? Anyway, you rock and I again am grateful everyday for your friendship!!
I am with you, Megan. I completely understand and agree with "free agency", but doesn't it seem like we should all come down to earth to nice, happy, loving families? Then we would all have the same shot from the beginning. If we choose to stray, it is completely our choice, but we all would have been taught to know better. I have a hard time knowing that some children are born into abusive homes and their lives will be awful from the second they are born. Also so many children are starving or sick or living in horrible conditions and have to fight for every good thing they ever have...I wonder "why?" too. I always wonder why every child isn't given a good, solid start to life. Of course, it could never be that way, but it seems like it should be.
I feel so sad for people that can't have children, too. It is the greatest blessing EVER and it is what we are SUPPOSED to be doing as women. I don't understand it when good, loving women cannot have children. The only thing I can figure is that they are supposed to be adopting or something and there must be a child born to another mother that is meant to be theirs.
Won't it be great when we get to Heaven and finally understand the big picture?
I have a very dear friend who went through many years of struggling to have a baby. She tried everything and has asked herself the "why" question many times. Finally and (I think) somewhat reluctantly she and her husband filled out the adoption papers. Since then, they have been blessed with three beautiful children. They are the love of her life, and each time they adopt, they get to go to the temple AGAIN and have each child sealed to them. They are hers for the eternity that lies ahead. Would she have loved to carry and deliver her children? You bet! Does she love them any less because they came by a different means? Absolutely not! And what would have happened to those children if there wasn't a good, loving family waiting to bring them into thier home? I shudder to think what THEIR lives could have been like.
I don't pretend to know or even imagine what it must feel like to want to be pregnant and denied such a righteous desire, but I do know that Heavenly Father loves each of us. He is not ignorant of your struggles. He will help you thru this.
Thank you to everyone for saying what you've said. Even though this is on Megan's blog and meant for her it really helps to hear that people understand what I'm feeling. Jana! I love you too and I know how you are feeling. Just know that you are continually in my prayers. Megan I love you too and I want you to not worry. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen and I've realized that. For now Ryan and I are enjoying the time we have with just the two of us and when Heavenly Father wants that change for us it will come. I love you! And Smitty! Thanks for what you said as well. I've really had to change my mindframe over the last year and I'm learning that there are trials that I have to go through for me and only Heavenly Father knows what is best for me and I'll just keep doing whatever I can to have what I am hoping for.
I so feel those same frustrations, and even with an understanding as to the fact that our Father in Heaven is in control, and knows what is best for us, it is so hard to want something so GOOD, and not have it work out. This has been a struggle I've been dealing with for a long time, and it's still hard for me, even though I think I am slowly making progress.
Thank you for words--even though it's not me you're talking about, it;s wonderful to see the love you have and support you give to those around you that are struggling too.
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