Grandma called and asked if she could go to the pool with us. We hadn't been yet because...lets face it I am a bit scared to take four kids to the pool. We buy pool passed every year at the local pool. I went and bought them before I really thought about what I was doing. I am not so sure we will get our moneys worth like the past years. Jan was nice enough to come up and go with me for my first time. I was very grateful for the help and the kids loved having her there.
I learned that YES I do need help while at the pool. One to hold the baby in the shade and one to watch Ellie. Emma and JJ are okay swimmers so they can pretty much go where they want. Does anyone own a pair of eyes for the back of my head that I could borrow? I was a nervous wreck the whole time even with Grandma there. It is going to be an interesting swim season...wish me luck! (I will need it.)
If I can get over the crypto scare I will come with you. Then again, maybe adding two more kids to the mix won't be much help. :)
NO KIDDING. Four kids at the pool almost every day is my diet plan. Seriously I am running, whoops I mean walking if the life guards are looking, from one side to the other all the time. I'm just really, really grateful for life jackets and fairly obedient children who will wear them!
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