Thanks to this man I am a Mother. I love watching Jeron be a dad. There is something so sexy about a man in a suit with spit up on it. I am serious. I have never been more attracted to him then when I saw him hold our children for the first time. I love the way that he protects them and loves them. I am so glad that he takes the role of father seriously. He is so willing to provide for all of our needs and doesn't ask for anything in return. He is working two jobs so that we can be comfortable in our life. I don't think he knows how grateful that I am for all that he does. My kids feel so safe when he is around. He is strong, loving, tender, understanding, fun, patient,ect... He sometimes is better at nurturing the kids then I am. He is so cute with our babies. He has his things that he does with them and they just love him. Ellie gets so excited when you comes home. She yells dahie dahie dahie until you get up the stairs. It is so cute to see the love she has for you. They all do. You truly treat her with so much love that you teach me how too. I love how you are with her. I wish I could express how much I love how you are with her. I love how you look at Emma with wonder and awe at how pretty she is. I have no worries that you will break the leg of the guys who break her heart. I love how you tenderly hold JJ's heart in your hands. You seem to have a soft spot for him when I lack it sometimes. You are so cute with Elsie. As you have been with all of our babies. I love watching you hog them when you are home. I love that you will wrestle and play with the kids. You are the best Dad! We love our Daddy! We hope you have a wonderful Fathers Day!

The next shout out is for my Daddy. I want to say Happy Father's Day to my awesome Dad. I am one of the luckiest girls in the world to have a Dad like I have. He is Jonny on the spot, Mr. Fix It, Mr. Clean, Prince Charming, Doc Meads, a spiritual giant, ect. all rolled into one. I always knew that I could ask my Daddy anything and he would know the answer. His love for me has made me a strong woman. I have a testimony in part to watching his love for the gospel. I love you Dad. Thank you for being the best Dad! You are also a wonderful Grandfather. It is fun to watch you with my children. It at times reminds me of memories of when I was little. My kids just love you. Thanks for that. You are always willing to help us and drop everything all the time to help us. You will never know how much we appreciate all that you do for us. We love you!

Happy Father's Day to My father in law John. He is always willing to help us out when we ask him. I see a lot of John in Jeron. Like how he pinches the kids cheeks. Jeron learned how to be a Dad from John. I know that John loves his children and through that Jeron knew how to love his own. Thank you for being a great Dad to Jeron and our family.

We are lucky enough to have three Dads. I couldn't send out a Father's Day tribute without including Gene. Gene is Jeron's step father. He is such a wonderful "Dad" to Jeron. He is so willing to help out when we need his help. He will just stop in to see the kids and loves them so much. He has always made me feel so welcomed. Gene we love you and are so glad that you get to be one of the men who will influence our lives for good. Thank you for being a Dad even when you don't have to. We love you for that.

What a wonderful tribute to all the fathers in your life. We are so blessed to have great men in our lives!!
Happy Father's Day Jeron! I hope you had a great one. Very nice post Megan! You one upped me as usual :)
Holy cow that picture of you and Jeron is gorgeous!! As always, another great post from you! We did have a nice father's day. We had a barbeque with my family on Saturday and then went to the Johns' on Sunday for dessert. How was yours? Oh and by the way, where did you get that picture of Larry and what is up with his hair?! A little puffy but he is still hot if I do say so myself!
Well, this was nice. I'm glad our boys got to go to a movie the other night, too. Chris had a good time with Jeron but said the movie was awful. We'll have to have some sort of girls night one of these evenings. We've only done that once and it was a blast. Why in the heck do we not get together more? We are always making eachother laugh because we are both so hilarious you know :)
Those paper ties are so stinkin' cute - look how cute you are!!! Those were all nice words.
The picture of you and Jeron is ADORABLE! I can't wait to see the rest!
What a wonderful post. I like the tie idea. Thanks for sharing.
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