Calee was so sweet, she got Ellie a cookie and really tried to fight back her own tears. I really felt bad for Calee. She was just broken hearted that Ellie got hurt. It will happen to Ellie easier then just any other kid. There is no way to know until it happens that we can't do that again.
I hope if you read this Calee that you know just how much I appreciate the way that you are with Ellie. You have always been one of her biggest fans. I have always been grateful to you for the way that you just love her. So please do not feel bad anymore. There is not very many people who look at Ellie and just see Ellie for who she is. You are one of the those that do. I love thank you and she is fine!

As a parent you always want to shelter your kids from things and know that you shouldn't. When it comes to Ellie I almost have too. I was talking with my neighbor tonight telling her that I know what Ellie can and can't handle but others don't. I don't want people to be afraid to play with her so I am not sure what to tell people. I feel like I need a little warning poster with all of the things that Ellie needs "Special" help with. I just don't want people to shy away from her. I feel like it is a double edge sword. I will figure it out someday. Until then it will just be a learning process. Sorry I am rambling...I am just getting things off of my chest.
Ouch!! I have heard that sprains hurt worse than breaks so she must be hurting yet she still looks pleasant and sweet! What an angel! So sorry this happened. I loved your thoughts on sheltering Ellie. The thing I have always admired about you with Ellie is that you let her live. You protect her but you let her experience life by her own choices. I don't think a lot of parents of downs children do that very well. Ellie is treated just like your other kids and given the same opportunities. I know you think you don't have it figured out but from an outsiders perspective you totally do. I will always admire you and Jeron for the parents that you are, especially with Ellie. I seriously am blessed to have you to look up to. Thanks for your example. I love you!!
Poor little Ellie! She sure does look cute though, like always. I hope it doesn't take too long for her hurtie to go away. Love you Ellie!!! PS... I think you're doing a great job with her and that letting her make her own choices and letting people play with her is only making her stronger.
Okay, so do you realize that you are practically the only one who leaves comments on my blog? I love it. Thank you! Give Ellie a huge kiss for me and tell her that I think she is great! And it's fun sometimes to have a bandage on your foot. Everyone gives you special attention! We love you guys!
Oh, poor baby! I hope she heals quickly! Ditto Jana about not sheltering Ellie--I think you are an amazing mom too!
Megan, you are too hard on yourself. You are so good with Ellie - you treat her just like your other kids and I admire you for that. You are the best Mom ever and I think you do have it figured out. It sucks that she got hurt. She is so sweet - the picture of her foot is so cute!
I feel bad the Calee is sad too. It is so hard when kids get hurt and when it is nobody's fault.
Ouch I heard about this.. yeah let me know one day when we are both free and we can go shoot some photos..
The poor little dear, she seems to always have a smile on no matter what though! You are such an amazing mother and I admire you so much. I strongly believe that these little special spirits are sent to very special homes and in particular special mommy's. You are special and amazing! We love you too Calee-you are so wonderful to everyone's kids-don't be hard on yourself :)
Poor little Ellie - hopefully she'll be up and about before too long!
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