Today they swam at our neighbors the Ottesons. They have so much fun with their kids. Sarah of course whipped up a yummy lunch while I was out with the kids...I didn't have to make lunch or do anything except feed my babe and watch the kiddos. Can anyone say L A Z Y.

My kids did not come in until 8:30pm They spent the whole day over there. I don't know how their skin is still on their bones. I expect more of this though. The Ottesons will have that pool all summer.
JJ is going to have to take a little break due to the finger injury. It will not heal until it stops getting wet. He is pretty bummed about that idea. To bad for him. The problem is it keeps bleeding and reopening all of the time. My parents came over last night and my Dad solved that problem.
Over Kill...but he needed something to make him stop using his finger.
That looks like so much fun! I wish I could go swimming everyday! And JJ be careful with your finger it could end up paralyzed like Papas... hahah jk!
Two words for JJ's finger...Lavender Oil! :)
P.S. I should get into oil sales!
Ouch JJ! What a killer bandage though. Hope it heals quickly so you can get back in the water!!
JJ! Quit giving me the bird! Looks like you spend as much time in the water or at the pool as we do. I've decided that my house will be clean again in Sept when school starts again and only 3 kids are at home!
Don't you just LOVE the Summer! You should get Cherry Hill passes next year! We have been living there this year and at first I thought it would be too hard with three kids but once they get a little routine down it hasn't been so bad. Love the poictures and that picture of JJ's hand is too funny!
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