summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer

I am so glad it is SUMMER TIME! I am so glad that there is no more schedule. The kids are mine again. YEAH!

We went to Artic Circle today for Emma. We met Bouck's and Call's there. It was fun to see them again. (We need to keep this up!) Then Baylee, Emma, Ellie, Elsie and myself went to the closing flag ceremony at the school. You see, our girls are in morning Kindergarten so they got out way before the rest of the school. It was cute to see the kids sing the Eagle Bay song...but what I found absolutely hilarious was all the ELEMENTARY kids crying...yes I said CRYING. They were going to miss their teachers sooooo much. I was laughing with one of the Moms about it when I turned at saw that my son was crying harder then most of the kids. It makes you think...am I that bad of a Mom that he would rather be in school. It was very funny. I tried to show sympothy...it was a bit hard through all the laughing I was doing.
Holy frijoles you have been busy posting!! Looks like you have been very busy and having lots of fun. I have to admit that I am a little jealous of your friends that live close by. I want to be able to drop in and plan things last minute!
I too am glad not to have the set schedule of school but the fighting from sun up to sun down I could live without. Love you girl!!
Molly loved looking at your "Troy" picture! Hope you guys have a fabulous summer!
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