I am always overwhelmed by the support that we have from our family. Thank you all for coming. It was a lot of fun to have you all there. Smitty and Ashlee were so sweet. They brought the girls flowers. That really means a lot to them. After the performance Grandma and Grandpa took the girls(actually the whole family) to dinner. Since Mom can't get her act together and feed her kids before they dance. It was fun to go to McDonald's and let the kids run wild while we chatted with Jan and Gene.

We started getting ready at 3:30 pm and had to be to Davis High by 6:00 pm we barley made it. Seriously I have three girls now. How am I going to do this? Their hair turned out really cute. Ellie had to sit through me doing it about four different times. What a trooper. By the time we got there Ellie and Emma had both not had any dinner. I was worried that this would hinder Ellie's performance.
Ellie was also very tired. While we were back stage she danced and played but then she sat down and almost got melancholy. I was worried that she would not go and dance. She has been acting kind of shy also. She did end up dancing. When she came out on stage she stood for a minute and then she looked over at the other girls in her class and she started to dance. She actually did the same things the other girls were doing. She is totally in her element on stage. She had to be taken off stage again which is always hilarious. She also got her own applause. I think that Ellie looked so sticking cute. I love to watch her with the other kids and see how well she does. She really kept up with all of them.
Emma did really good as usual. She looked so pretty. Sometimes she blows me away with how pretty she is. I am the Mom I can say that. She was so cute back stage. Her and her little friend Baylee kept whispering to each other and giggling. I love moment like that. I tried to take a picture of them doing this but every time they would see me and stop. Emma is really growing up. This makes me kind of sad and yet a bit excited. I feel like we are great friends. I am excited to watch her grow into a young lady. I asked her why she didn't smile and her response was "My teacher doesn't tell me to>" So there you have it. I will have to talk to Katie(teacher) about that.
*Just a side note to everyone wondering why my parents were not there. Ryan my bro-in-law is graduating from Law School this week so they flew to DC to go to his graduation. WAY TO GO RYAN! The parents are really sad that they had to miss this but excited to see Ryan walk.
Ugh! What is this? They had a recital and I didn't even know about it and mom and dad and Michael missed it? Now I feel bad! But how freakin cute are they! They look adorable. I love their outfits... good work ballet teacher! I wish I could've come.
Beautiful girls!! I can see why their costumes were expensive, they are darling! I love dance recitals and watching little princesses come to life onstage. I think you have some time to figure out how to get three girls ready but not much! Good luck!!
So sweet! You are a 'big' family now! Your family picture was darling. How do you write on top of the pictures? Fun times!
Totally Darling!! Their dresses are gorgeous. I think Emma looks a lot like you and that does make her very BEAUTIFUL!! What a darling family.
soooo cute, your girls are beautiful! Who do they take dance from??? Cacia
How fun to have girls to send on to stage to do their thing! They look so darling. I am so jealous. I would love to have a little frill around here every now and again. What a fun night.
The girls look adorable! Sounds like a fun night.
I love dance!!! I miss dancing and the costumes. I am glad I can do this with my girls. I wish we lived closer so we could come watch. Tell the girls they looked beautiful!!!
They are both very beautiful! Their costumes are gorgeous. Girls are so fun. Sorry your parents had to miss it. Atleast there will more dances to go to.
Man, in some of those pictures Emma looks JUST like you! What a beautiful bunch of girls your family has...you, Emma, Ellie, and Elsie!! That's fun to see how sweet your girls are together and how proud JJ was of his sisters.
Awe too cute! I remember those days. I wish I would have known they were having this- I love to see little girls in "fru fru" stuff lol. The digital stuff is easy- you would get it very fast! They have some online that are free too! :)
Emma and Ellie are really cute in their outfits. I'm glad the recital was a big success! I wish I could dance.
Megan, Your girls are so darn cute!! Ellie looks so tall, I am so glad that she likes school, Jackson loves it too. What you said about Ellie sitting at the top of the playground and watching everyone is exactly Jackson! That is all he does when we go to the park.
How fun! They look so sweet! One day I will put make up on and do a sweet little girls hair. OR my next little boy is going to be hating life! How exciting!
Oh my goodness, how CUTE are they??? I can't wait for dance recitals!!!
Megan your girls looked so cute on Monday night. I loved Ellie's outfit. It was by far my favorite. They were all so cute though, don't you think? So fun to watch all the girls.
Hey Meg
I finally came and read, and read, and read, and read....ummmmm - I think I might have seen every blog for the last month. Awesome to keep up the way you do. I am glad the dance recital turned out so well - and way to go and the mother's day brunch! I bet it was very tasty. I hope you used your new blender...he.he.
Love you
They are so cute!! I can't wait until Bella will be in dance. Well actually I can they grow too fast. But what a fun night and good job girls!
I'm so sorry we had to miss the fun night. Emma and Ellie you are beautiful! I wish I could have been there. Hope you took video so we can watch when we get back. The best part about it is that I didn't have to be in any photos! You always have to look for the silver lining!
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