She had her doctor visit and got some immunizations. She is in the 50th percent in height and 10th in weight. She weighs 8lbs and 11 ounces. She is 22 inches long. She is growing so well. In fact we are officially off of house arrest. I am way excited but sad to know that I no longer have three uninterrupted hours with my sweet baby. While the kids and Jeron go to church we would snuggle and I loved it. It will be nice to be back in the swing of things though.

I always feel like such a jerk when I let them get their shots. She cried more than any of my other kids. She also has reacted worse then all of them. She is miserable. I feel like I just gave her the flu willingly. I know that they need them but I feel so bad for them when they are so sad. Poor thing.
Oh, she is sweet. She is so pretty. I hate when they get shots. Aaah. BTW - the sweet sisters picture is so cute. I think you should cut bangs! YOu look cute.
She is SO dang cute!!!
Soooooo cute!! I want one!
I can't believe that she is already two months old! And only 8 lbs. Just blink and she will be 4 months and/ or 13 lbs, like Emma Hope. I miss being there to see her grow. How will she ever learn that I am her favorite if I am not there? Are you coming to see us this summer? Road trip? please do, we have a regular petting zoo. I am jealous that you got to have a party for Ellie, and I wasn't there. Miss you guys tons!! Hope you give Ellie a kiss for me and tell her congrats!!!
Oh my goodness, she is SO stinkin' cute! You and Jeron make cute babies!!!!!
She's so cute Megan. I like the one with her hand up in the air. You and your sister in laws look so pretty too!
What a doll she is! I love her little bracelet. I HATE when my kids have shots as babies-they don't even see it coming! Cameron was 8 pounds 9 ounces when he was born!! Tanner was my preemie and in some ways it was fun to keep them little for a little longer!!
She really is beautiful!!
I love the first picture... she has the cutest little face! When are you coming out to DC so I can hold her? Huh!?!?!
I can't believe two months have already gone by! Wow. She is such a doll. I hate shots, too. I always find myself telling my kids, "I only do this because I love you!" I think I say it more for my sake than theirs!!
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