We get a call first thing in the morning that Jeron's Mom and Gene want to stop by sometime tonight. This was great. My kids hadn't seen them in a while so that would be fun. They know Jana and Graydon so it would work out. Then a little while later our neighbor calls and invites us to go see the Blaze (free tickets) and we had to turn her down.
Then Jeron's Dad just dropped in. I actually LOVE it when people just drop in. He came to just say hi which he has never done before. It turned out that he came right at the perfect time. We needed an extra hand with the baby so that Jeron and I could finish getting dolled up.
Even with John there the house was still a wreck and we left 10 min later then I had planned. We went out to Antelope Island for our pictures. (I forgot the camera so no pictures.:( Bummer)I saw only one shot of Elsie but it was perfect so I can't wait to see the rest.
The Johns arrived at our home just a little before us. We had a great time seeing them and just hanging out. Jeron's Mom and Gene arrived about 5 min after we got home. It all worked out perfect...well except for the horribly messy house. I have a great Mother in law and friend that didn't seem to let the fact that they had just stepped into a disaster area affect the time we had with them. Thank you for not making me feel like a messy house wife because it was horrible.
Jan and Gene only stayed for a little while. It was nice to see them. After they left the kids put on a show for Jana and I while the guys went to Home Depot. It was really long but very cute. I love how well our kids get along. Anneka, Jana's oldest calls my kids her "cousin friends". I really love this since my kids don't have cousins on my side and never see the ones from Jeron's side. So even though it was a crazy crazy day it turned out to be very nice. Thanks for coming all ya'll!
Our Cousin Friends
Griffin looking so cute. I love his eyes!
Sweet Anneka and Elsie
All the girls except Elsie ofcourse. Emma LOVES Anneka
Cut yourself some slack!! Your house was totally fine and we wouldn't have cared if it wasn't. Getting to see you guys is a treat that for some reason doesn't happen enough. It was a great time. Anneka was seriously bummed that we didn't sleep over! I love the pictures you took and I love how well our monkeys all get along. Thanks for adding us to your crazy day! We love you all!!
Your little girls room is so darling!! I want to come see your house sometime-preferably when it is messy because I don't believe it!
Where is that room that says "Snug as a Bug"? What are the boards above their heads? I am so jealous that you got to have your pictures taken with Haley!!! I was supposed to have her take ours at Nauvoo. I was so elated, and then it turns out that we aren't going to Nauvoo for the wedding after all (gas is way too expensive!) It would have been a $3000 photo shoot. She's worth it though isn't she????
I love all your posts! Keep them coming.Melly
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