I just wanted to wish you all a happy Mother's day. Thanks to all the Moms in my life for all that you teach me. I learn so much from all of your examples. I have been truly blessed to have women that surround me and teach me. I especially want to say Happy Mothers Day to my Mom and Jan. You two are the best. Our family is better for having you both in our lives. We love you! Thanks to my sister for always loving my kids. I know that she will make a wonderful Mother through watching her with my kids. My kids have been blessed to have her for an Aunt. Thanks to my sister-in-laws for loving my kids and treating them so sweetly. Thanks to my Cousins and Aunts for always letting my kids think that your kids are their cousins. You all are great Moms and teach me so much. Thanks to all my friends for always being good Moms to my kids. I learn from all of you with your own kids...See how blessed that I am...WOW!
PS. Thanks Ashlee for the awesome dinner(lasagna rolls, salad, French bread, and Italian Sodas)you made. It was nice to be spoiled.
I stole the saying and design from my friend Hailey's blog
Aren't moms the best???!!!
I am SO glad we reconnected Megan! I love reading your posts, getting to know you and your family, and seeing what a wonderful mother YOU are. Happy Mother's Day!!!
I love you girl! I am glad you had a good mother's day. Now we just need a girl's day out to put the icing on the cake!
I haven't checked blogs in a few days and wow you guys have been busy! What a great idea to do a brunch the day before-I am so doing that next year! We have 2pm church and by the time we get out at 5 it is so hard to visit everyone and make it seem like a special day. I LOVE the pictures of JJ with his missing tooth, they are absolutely darling and hilarious! Happy Mother's Day!! Oh, and I must admit it is a bit awkward to go up the stairs without climbing! Your kids crack me up, thanks for sharing their funny moments with us.
Happy Mother's Day. I hope you got the Obuba and check!!!
Thanks Megan for what you said... I LOVE your kids, even the one I haven't met and I've only learned how to be sweet from the best... you and mom! Love you!
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