Shayla holding Elsie, this is the only pic I got. oops!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
goOd tiMes...gReAt nEighBors
Sarah Otteson called tonight and had us get together for dinner and cards. It was a lot of fun to just hang out and be with good friends. We always have fun when we get together. We love to play card so it was nice to have two nights in a row playing and hanging out. Otteson's girls Annie and Shayla are so cute and love to hold Elsie. They are so sweet with her. I love how little girls are with babies. The kids ran around all night and wore each other out. It was a lot of fun! They have three kids all our kids age and they play really well together. I am so glad that we are neighbors. :)

Shayla holding Elsie, this is the only pic I got. oops!
Shayla holding Elsie, this is the only pic I got. oops!
Fabulous Friends
sUrPriSe viSit
The doorbell rang this afternoon and I went to answer the door and there is Courtney our niece standing at the door. What a total shock. The Jones came to visit us. They have never been to our home before so I was a bit is shock as you may understand. I would have liked some advance warning so the house could look immaculate for the first time showing but other than that it was awesome. Julie was very sweet. She kept telling me how cute it was and how much she liked my decorating. Thank you for that Julie. It was really fun to have them over. Todd was really cute with Ellie. He has four daughters so he is well versed in that department. He played dress up with her and really just got down on her level. She loved playing with him. The kids played games and couldn't get enough of Courtney and Kylie. I know how much my kids just love their cousins. Thanks for dropping in. I hope it happens again! (soon)

(Julie and Courtney refused pictures or they would have some as well.)
(Julie and Courtney refused pictures or they would have some as well.)
Extended Snow Family
Friday, May 30, 2008
hAngiNg wiTh tHe fiSheR's
We had a great time tonight spending time with some long lost friends. We ran into the Fishers at one of JJ's baseball games. We use to hang out now and again and always had such a fun time. It is sad how life gets in the way and you lose contact with friends along the way. It was great to see them again. Angie said we needed to get together and so thanks to Angie we did. We went to Angie and Casey's new home in Farmington. I will have to say Jeron's and my jaw dropped when we saw their home. It is absolutely stunning. The front entrance is amazing. I could just sit on their stairs and look at the beauty of it all day. Their home is just beautiful. Angie and Casey completely spoiled us. Angie made us a yummy dinner and we played cards while the kids played. It was a wonderful time. Thank you Fishers for the great Friday night.

I am sad to say I didn't get a picture of Tyse the youngest boy but he is adorable. He is 10 months old and just the sweetest little guy. Maybe next time.

I am sad to say I didn't get a picture of Tyse the youngest boy but he is adorable. He is 10 months old and just the sweetest little guy. Maybe next time.
Fabulous Friends

summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer

I am so glad it is SUMMER TIME! I am so glad that there is no more schedule. The kids are mine again. YEAH!

We went to Artic Circle today for Emma. We met Bouck's and Call's there. It was fun to see them again. (We need to keep this up!) Then Baylee, Emma, Ellie, Elsie and myself went to the closing flag ceremony at the school. You see, our girls are in morning Kindergarten so they got out way before the rest of the school. It was cute to see the kids sing the Eagle Bay song...but what I found absolutely hilarious was all the ELEMENTARY kids crying...yes I said CRYING. They were going to miss their teachers sooooo much. I was laughing with one of the Moms about it when I turned at saw that my son was crying harder then most of the kids. It makes you I that bad of a Mom that he would rather be in school. It was very funny. I tried to show was a bit hard through all the laughing I was doing.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
all I wAnt fOr chRisTmAs...

We have two missing front teeth. I think he looks so different. It is fun to see all the looks that your kids will have before they get their real teeth. I am so nervous to see that. I looked horrible. I hope my kids get lucky. Jeron and I both had jacked up permanent teeth. JJ, Emma, Ellie, and Elsie we apologize now for any pain you might suffer because of the teeth you get. LOVE YOU!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
JJ doing Power Point...What is Power Point?
Really I do know what power point is...I just can't believe that my second grader knows what it is. He had a presentation today on Bull Sharks. He did an AMAZING job. I am so impressed with what these kids do today. I was still doing my ABC's in second grade. Man they learn so much now.

Did you know that Bull Sharks can be found in the Mississippi River? Well...if you had listened to JJ's presentation you would.

They even eat Dolphins..gross

Any questions?

Way to go JJ you did AWESOME!
Did you know that Bull Sharks can be found in the Mississippi River? Well...if you had listened to JJ's presentation you would.
They even eat Dolphins..gross
Any questions?
Way to go JJ you did AWESOME!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Making Memories on Memorial Day

We decided for Memorial day that we would go to "This is the Place" monument. Since the weather did not agree with us today we shifted gears and went to the Beehive House instead. We took the tour and then we went to The Joseph Smith Memorial Building. I thought maybe the kids might be to young to go but they seemed to really enjoy it.

After we gave Nana a call and went to see her. She told us stories of living in the Beehive House. It was really neat for the kids to learn about their Great Great Great Grandparents. I remember when my Nana took me on a tour of the Beehive house. I was able to go in rooms that no ones gets to anymore. She even took me up in the Beehive. I wish that my kids could have had that same experience. I guess I should just be grateful that they got to see their ancestors house at all.
It was really neat to hear the stories that Nana told. She is such a good story teller. The kids loved it. I think it helps connect them to the ones who have gone on before. Even though the weather didn't cooperate with us I think it turned out wonderful.
Meads Family Extended
elSie'S fiRst bAth

Elsie had her first big time bath today. Ellie loved having her baby in the bath with her. I think Elsie really enjoyed herself. She was cooing and smiling the whole time. Ellie even tried to help by dumping water on her little sister. JJ took all the pictures for me. I always love when they have a bath. She is so sweet if I do say so myself.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday at Grandma's
We went to Grandma and Grandpas this Sunday for dinner. Uncle Jeff and his girlfriend Tara came. We had a good time just hanging out. After Uncle Jeff and Daddy went to see their cousins. We then drove up to see Mama, Papa, and Uncle Michael. To our suprise Uncle Smitty and Aunt Ashlee came over. It was fun to see so much family today. We love spending time with those we love.
(Tara took some pictures. I don't think Jeron and I have had a picture "just us" in years.)

(Tara took some pictures. I don't think Jeron and I have had a picture "just us" in years.)
Extended Snow Family
Saturday, May 24, 2008
When it Rains it Pours
Jeron and I never and I mean never have anything to do. This Saturday we actually had plans to get our family pictures taken and then our good friends the Johns were coming over after...This is a big deal to me. I love my photographer. She does amazing work. So in order for the pictures to look perfect we have to do our part. Which means basically devoting the whole day to getting ready...and cleaning so the house would look semi decent when the Johns came over.
We get a call first thing in the morning that Jeron's Mom and Gene want to stop by sometime tonight. This was great. My kids hadn't seen them in a while so that would be fun. They know Jana and Graydon so it would work out. Then a little while later our neighbor calls and invites us to go see the Blaze (free tickets) and we had to turn her down.
Then Jeron's Dad just dropped in. I actually LOVE it when people just drop in. He came to just say hi which he has never done before. It turned out that he came right at the perfect time. We needed an extra hand with the baby so that Jeron and I could finish getting dolled up.
Even with John there the house was still a wreck and we left 10 min later then I had planned. We went out to Antelope Island for our pictures. (I forgot the camera so no pictures.:( Bummer)I saw only one shot of Elsie but it was perfect so I can't wait to see the rest.
The Johns arrived at our home just a little before us. We had a great time seeing them and just hanging out. Jeron's Mom and Gene arrived about 5 min after we got home. It all worked out perfect...well except for the horribly messy house. I have a great Mother in law and friend that didn't seem to let the fact that they had just stepped into a disaster area affect the time we had with them. Thank you for not making me feel like a messy house wife because it was horrible.
Jan and Gene only stayed for a little while. It was nice to see them. After they left the kids put on a show for Jana and I while the guys went to Home Depot. It was really long but very cute. I love how well our kids get along. Anneka, Jana's oldest calls my kids her "cousin friends". I really love this since my kids don't have cousins on my side and never see the ones from Jeron's side. So even though it was a crazy crazy day it turned out to be very nice. Thanks for coming all ya'll!
Our Cousin Friends

Griffin looking so cute. I love his eyes!

Sweet Anneka and Elsie

All the girls except Elsie ofcourse. Emma LOVES Anneka
We get a call first thing in the morning that Jeron's Mom and Gene want to stop by sometime tonight. This was great. My kids hadn't seen them in a while so that would be fun. They know Jana and Graydon so it would work out. Then a little while later our neighbor calls and invites us to go see the Blaze (free tickets) and we had to turn her down.
Then Jeron's Dad just dropped in. I actually LOVE it when people just drop in. He came to just say hi which he has never done before. It turned out that he came right at the perfect time. We needed an extra hand with the baby so that Jeron and I could finish getting dolled up.
Even with John there the house was still a wreck and we left 10 min later then I had planned. We went out to Antelope Island for our pictures. (I forgot the camera so no pictures.:( Bummer)I saw only one shot of Elsie but it was perfect so I can't wait to see the rest.
The Johns arrived at our home just a little before us. We had a great time seeing them and just hanging out. Jeron's Mom and Gene arrived about 5 min after we got home. It all worked out perfect...well except for the horribly messy house. I have a great Mother in law and friend that didn't seem to let the fact that they had just stepped into a disaster area affect the time we had with them. Thank you for not making me feel like a messy house wife because it was horrible.
Jan and Gene only stayed for a little while. It was nice to see them. After they left the kids put on a show for Jana and I while the guys went to Home Depot. It was really long but very cute. I love how well our kids get along. Anneka, Jana's oldest calls my kids her "cousin friends". I really love this since my kids don't have cousins on my side and never see the ones from Jeron's side. So even though it was a crazy crazy day it turned out to be very nice. Thanks for coming all ya'll!
Our Cousin Friends
Griffin looking so cute. I love his eyes!
Sweet Anneka and Elsie
All the girls except Elsie ofcourse. Emma LOVES Anneka
Extended Snow Family,
Fabulous Friends
Friday, May 23, 2008
tHe mOst mAgiCal plaCe iN...wEll fArmInGton
Today was JJ's program at school. They did it on Walt Disney. They sung all sorts of Disney songs and told about Walt's life.

The kids did a great job. JJ seemed rather bored through the whole thing. He kept yawning and showing no emotion. It wasn't until the second to last song when they sang "Were All In This Together" from High School Musical, that he finally came alive. Jeron said that JJ must of been saving his energy for the big finish. Boy...the kid has moves...not necessarily the ones that I want but he's got them non the less. He has always been a bit of an entertaining dancer to say the least. The moves in that song followed suit.

JJ sang the part in Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious that goes "Said it to me girl and now me girls me wife." and then the girl goes whoo and swoons. It was really cute.

Daddy and JJ after the big show!

Mommy Elsie and JJ just hangin on the play ground

Ellie loved the performance. She danced and clapped through the whole thing.

Good Job to all of you First and Second graders, but most of all to my favorite 2nd grader...JJ.

The kids did a great job. JJ seemed rather bored through the whole thing. He kept yawning and showing no emotion. It wasn't until the second to last song when they sang "Were All In This Together" from High School Musical, that he finally came alive. Jeron said that JJ must of been saving his energy for the big finish. Boy...the kid has moves...not necessarily the ones that I want but he's got them non the less. He has always been a bit of an entertaining dancer to say the least. The moves in that song followed suit.

JJ sang the part in Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious that goes "Said it to me girl and now me girls me wife." and then the girl goes whoo and swoons. It was really cute.

Daddy and JJ after the big show!
Mommy Elsie and JJ just hangin on the play ground
Ellie loved the performance. She danced and clapped through the whole thing.
Good Job to all of you First and Second graders, but most of all to my favorite 2nd grader...JJ.
mAgiCal mOmEnts
Emma wanted to walk home and on her way she found a little friend. I love the wonder and excitement in Emma's eyes. She loves her little butterfly and was just fascinated by it. She wanted to keep it forever. It keep coming back to her finger so I think that just maybe it wanted to keep her forever as well.

Sometimes it is the simple moments that take our breath away.

Sometimes it is the simple moments that take our breath away.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I mUst tEll yOu whAt JJ diD
We had to pick up my parents from the airport tonight. I was as usual running late but had to nurse Elsie before we left. JJ came in to tell me that someone down the street was having a lemonade stand. He needed money desperately. So I told him to go look in his piggy bank. He then told me that he had moved the chairs. Let me preface this by telling you that on Saturday my kids had a lemonade stand of their own. So when he said chairs I thought that he had gone and set up chairs at the lemonade stand. This infuriated me. Not only where we late, now I would have to wait for JJ to go and undo what he had done. So of course I said in my mean mom voice "JJ what were you thinking? Why do you do this?" He looked at me so confused. I said "you better hurry and go get those chairs NOW!" He said "Out of the suburban?" You see we had switched cars so that I could pick up the folks. My car seats were laying on the driveway and I needed to put them in the suburban. In shock I asked JJ "What did you mean by chairs?" He said that he meant car seats. I was blown away. He did something without being asked and I really needed the help. I must say that he did a perfect job also. This touched my heart so much that I had to tell everyone. When he puts his mind to something he really is amazing. Thank you JJ. I love you and really needed that.
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