I have had the organizing bug lately. I had been cleaning out my closet and drawers and JJ had been begging me to stop and make dinner cause he was starving. I had finally left my room and was just about to cut a tomato when I hear JJ let out a scream and Jeron yell, "Where did that hit you, I'm sorry bud...MEGAN GET IN HERE!!" I come in and immediately yell at Jeron "What did you do to him." He looked at me like W.T... and said "Elsie did it." She was up on top of our bed, there was a mug, and she threw it at JJ who was sitting on the floor. It sliced his eyebrow pretty good. There was so much blood. Oh, my goodness. They aren't kidding when they say the head bleeds a lot.
There is graphic pictures for the faint of heart.
First you must apply pressure.
On our way to the ER

Finally stopped bleeding. It's a doosy, alright.

It is at least a Q-Tip deep. She was just shoving that thing in and out.

Getting it ready to glue together

Here it is all glued up.

One mug $5
One ER visit $150
One sister throwing a mug at her brothers face: Not so priceless is it. (then again Jeron in the background just might be priceless. Emma and I can't stop giggling at it...shhh don't tell.)
I will have to say that JJ is a champ. He was so brave as they cleaned. They are not soft at all and he didn't flinch or yell out or cry. Tough guy.
Now does someone want to tell me what to do with Elsie. She owes me $150. I expect her to pay in full.
I couldn't stop laughing out loud when I read that you expect her to pay in full! And that is really tough of JJ for not crying or yelling out. Woody always tells my boys that they can't cry unless they are bleeding but it doesn't work.
Oh No, ouchie, ouchie!! I can't believe he is actually smiling in that last picture-what a troopper! Hopefully since it is right along the eyebrow it will hide any scar-at least she has good aim right!!
Oh man. It is the worst when siblings hurt each other. JJ I hope it heals quickly.
I want to know when you collect from Elsie.
So sorry JJ! As for Elsie...she may be JJ's Sam and grow up hurting JJ all the time on accident. Noah was forever getting hurt by Sam...on accident...right! JJ. word of advise...stay clear of your little sister, especially if she is holding anything hard or potentially hazardous in her hands...RUN!
Well, you can make her wear pants for a whole 3 months... and tell her it's her punishment for cutting her brother.
-good luck-
Or you can pimp her out to any sisters that need help beating up their brothers... you can charge them a fee for her services.
oh my goodness, poor JJ!! What a trooper.
That Miss Elsie...I totally laughed about her paying in full. I don't blame you. :)
That q tip makes me want to throw up! You're tough JJ!
OUCH! Good luck getting Elsie to pay up :)
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