So the kids and I loaded up the ole' van and headed to Home Depot. I love it there. I love even more that they will cut my wood for me. I found a thin board that was 3x5 feet and only $5 + change. I had the guy cut them for me on the spot so all I had to do was go home and paint, paint, paint. I was so excited to see how cute they would turned out.
2 boards 7" by 11.5" Head and waist
1 board 7" by 14.5" Legs
Craft paint(colors you choose)
Paint brushes
2 boards 7" by 11.5" Head and waist
1 board 7" by 14.5" Legs
Craft paint(colors you choose)
Paint brushes

2. After drawing them paint away. I started with the background, then skin, hair, clothes, and face last. Just kind of paint how you dress. You do your hair before you put in the bow. You do your socks before you put on your shoes. Remember that you can always fix something. Elsie painted with BLACK paint all over the doll that is Emma's. I had to redo it but i was able to cover it up.
3. Make sure and paint both sides of the waist and legs since these are mix'n'match dolls.
4. Drill holes on the top and bottom of the head and waist and the top of the legs.
5. Put ribbon in holes and tie the middle holes with a knot and the top ribbon with a bow.

They turned out soooooo cute!!!
They are adorable! You are so creative. Jealous!
If I could take some of your craftiness I would be happy. Holy moly you rock Megs!
Very cute!
These are AWESOME, Megan! Great job!!
I'd love to feature this, but since you're private, I can't send people here for the tutorial. If it's okay with you, would you mind sending me the html? Then I could just post it, and add a few words of my own. Lmk what you think!
Okay, seriously so cute. And kuddos to you for doing a project from start to finish! I can't tell you how many things are just sitting in the corner of my room, just waiting to be worked on. I'm terrible...
Yours look better than the catalog! YOur rock...But I always knew that!
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