I have been meaning to do this all summer and I realized that the summer was about to be OVER so I though I better get on it. I invited some ladies from the neighborhood to go up to Pineview for the day. We had a great time. It was easy and fun. The best part is the kids are entertained and the moms are as well. Best of both worlds...
...except for Boo
Her face looked like this most of the time.
Screamed in the water.
Refused to wear a life jacket(panic mom)
Warmed up at the end when she found some seagulls
She chased them clear down the beach
Sandcastle building was a good time as well.

JJ was in HEAVEN!
He kayaked the entire time.
He has a great goggles tan.
He had a blast.

Belle was all to thrilled to be there as well. (sarcastic)
She ate, and ate, and ate, oh and ate.
There was the occasional sand castle building.
She did lay on the towel a lot.
Then when it was time to go she decided she loved the water.

Emma had as much fun as anyone.
She loved the air mattress float tube.
Best idea ever...even if it is a little trashy
She was in the water non-stop
except for the occasional castle building.

I had a lot of fun swimming and playing with the kids
and playing with the moms
and chatting with the moms
and just chilling out.

It is great to have great friends

I am glad we did this and hope to make it a regular thing.
Look at the huge monster in the last picture. Ugh! I need to make some major changes, but thanks for not posting on FB.
I read your post on my blog and I miss you too!! I wish we were closer. It gets lonely down here in my neck of the woods.
Glad you had fun at the lake! You are so stinkin' tan I am jealous!!
If I was there with you guys, JJ would have some competition for the kayak. Looks like so much fun.
You guys have such a variety of fun things to do there in UT. So jealous!
Sorry I haven't posted how cool I think this is...Just wayYYYyyyyyyy jealous. I love Pineview and some of my favorite memories are of us at pineview with our kiddos....sighhhhhhh!
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