This year our ward had a ward camp out instead of a Father's and Sons outing. I told Jeron that we really should go. It turned out that he couldn't stay due to an Eagle scout project so we just went up for the night. It was a beautiful place in Morgan. I decided that I am just going to secretly build a house on this property. The owners would never notice. It was so peaceful and beautiful I just think it is only right that I live there. haha
They had set up some games for the kids and one of them was Wiggle your waist. Ellie was a pro at it. She just did all her Hannah Montana moves and tada.

Jeron had a great time, in fact I don't think I saw him the whole night.

JJ was trying to stack golf balls. Apparently you can stack at least 3. I must try soon.

I wish I had gotten a picture of Emma playing cards. She rocked the house.
They had a UNO table and she was undefeated. She can will anything.
JJ and I won the guessing contest. They had different treats in Jars and if you were the closest without going over you won. I will have you know I guessed right on the money. I won 81 Starburst and JJ won 150 dum dum suckers.
Elsie and Ellie were running wild the entire time.
She found her nursery teacher and insisted that she hold her for a while. CUTE.
One of the families brought a Potato launcher and JJ was in love. He MUST make one he keeps telling me.
JJ was most embarrassed by my choice of head attire. It really did stop my hair from smelling of camp fire.
We left around 11pm so it was like we stayed the night. We had a really fun time. The next morning Jeron felt so bad that he made us all a camp fire breakfast.
Minus the food poisoning it was really sweet of him.
Looks like fun! Graydon and my dad took my kiddos to our ward campout. I guess I could have blogged about that huh! Oh well. Glad you all had fun!
Looks like tons of fun! I wish our ward did more fun stuff like that! I so hope that you guys do come up next year so that we can go to Glacier...It was so fun and I know it would have been great to have a female counter part jump in the ice cold glacial melt with me! Please come!
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