Jana invited us to come to Classic water slides with her and her kiddos. We had a lot of fun and it brought back a lot of memories of my old stomping grounds. I am so very blessed to have a friend like Jana in my life. I love this lady to bits and pieces. It was a blasted hot day so I am glad that we spent it having so much fun.
Jana looks all fab...she was going to an awesome concert later so she got all dressed up.
Our little stinkers are bound to be best buddies.

JJ and Trevin had a blast and didn't stop the whole time.

These two love each other like Jana and me.

Ellie found this tube floating so she snagged it up.
It is two sizes to small but she doesn't mind.
She took off at least 9 times that we counted.
Big water parks are not my friend with her

Boo and Tators. Boo has the hardest time smiling in the sun

Just when it was time to pack up and leave JJ comes over in tears. He got a paint chip the size of a cm squared jammed in his toenail. Oh, it looked so painful and even now I get goosebumps. Poor kid. We were able to remove all but 1 tiny piece so it looks like the doctor is in our future. I didn't get a pic of Jana's boy cause I didn't see them the whole time. They were having too much fun. Corbin did help me get Ellie one time up the slide.
That was sooooo much fun! I am so glad ya'll could join us! It was bloody hot! You should see the spot on my back where I missed the sunscreen. Think my feet and you will pretty much be there only on my back this time. I am an IDIOT!!
P.S. we freakin' missed half of Lady Antebellum at the concert! ERRRRR! Stupid traffic. I hate getting out to Usana!
It's me again...I forgot to say I love you to bits and pieces too!! I think that is why I don't have any friends down here in my neck of the woods...they just don't compare! Love you chicka!!
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