I have been kind of a slacker in the hair department lately. I have been very UNINSPIRED to do much creating. I realized that I was letting one of my most favorite moments slip away. I love when I can just stand and talk with one of my kids without any other distractions. Doing hair is the perfect moment with my girls (except Ellie who cries the whole time unless I am doing a full of Broadway production.) We decided to go back to our roots and spend a little "extra" time doing hair. I of course had to take pictures of our new creations we found and did. For some lame reason I didn't take a picture of Emma's hair. The best part was that all three girls had a good time and they all looked well kept after;)
I don't like doing hair time. It is the most stressful part of the whole morning. Maybe you could come do my girls hair, talk to them, and then tell me about it.
You could win a hair award. I am not even kidding! So cute!
I don't like doing hair time. It is the most stressful part of the whole morning. Maybe you could come do my girls hair, talk to them, and then tell me about it.
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