Calee and I decided that we would head up to the cabin with out our husbands and spend the night with the kids. It was a lot of fun. We are more like sisters so things just fall in place and we work well together. We first got the stuff in, started the fire, made the meals, and then went to roast the marshmallows. We could not find the marshmallows anywhere. We looked high, we looked low, we blamed every child, we though JJ did it because he was mischievous, we thought Boston did it cause he was telling us bad guys came and took them to outer space, we thought Ellie did it cause lets face it when someone can't talk they are an easy target to blame. After all of our efforts we could not find the stuff for smores. It was so frustrating. We sang campfire songs and then headed to bed without or fix of smores. It was driving me and Calee nuts until the next morning when Calee opened the cupboard and there they were. I immediately said who put them there until I actually saw the spot and realized that I PUT THEM THERE. After all that frustration and blaming it was my fault. UGH, I hate when that happens.

We started out on the hike with a few whiners. Then Ellie and Elsie decided to keep a turtles pace. We didn't make it to far before it was time to turn around. What we did see was beautiful though. It was a ton of fun for the kids. My kids just love the Richard kids. They are just such fun "cousins".

After the hike we cleaned up and headed out. We stopped at my favorite pizza place in Holiday. Okay it isn't the best but it is just what we do after the cabin so I love it. The kids drove us nuts and we wondered why we stopped at first and then we had a great time. I just love Calee and her kiddos. I am so glad we got to do this. We will have to do this again. Maybe we will take Jeron and Brent next time...maybe:)
I loved it! how do you do the scrapbooking style on your computer. Teach me.
I loved it! how do you do the scrapbooking style on your computer. Teach me.
Way to loose the marshmallows!! You are two cool ladies!
I loved going to the cabin. One of the things I miss about Utah.
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