love America! The
4th is one of my all time favorite holidays. I love the
patriotism on this day. I wish more days resembled days like this. We are so blessed to live in the
United States. We have every
opportunity and nothing holding us back but ourselves. I am grateful for the people who have
fought for my
rights. I am grateful for the founding
fathers and their for site. I get choked up when I see a
flag being raised, when the
veterans walk by in the
parade, when the jets
fly over head, and when ever I sing our
national anthem. This year the
4th was on a Sunday so we did the
parade on Saturday and on Sunday we were able to go to church and hear more about
patriotism and the plan that
God had for this country. We sang the
national anthem in sacrament meeting and I had tears
streaming down my face. I just have such
pride in
America. I wonder sometimes if it is because I was born in
July, or I am a
bicentennial baby, or what it is but I love this
nation. I love peolpe like
George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, John
Abraham Lincoln, Ronald
Reagan...I think there is so much we can learn from these great men. I am
inspired by people that still love the
constitution and this
country. I don't know if we realize how
blessed we are. I most of all am grateful to my
Father in Heaven for preserving this land so that we can now be
free to worship how we want, to raise our families how we want, to live how we want.
God bless the
USA!I pulled Emma and Ellie out of dance a year ago but their cute teacher knew we went to the Kaysville Parade so she asked if they wanted to dance in the parade. Emma was really excited to participate. When I drove the parade route the day before she got pretty nervous when she realized how long it was. So after a crash course dance class and a little bit of nerves it turned out to be a fun experience for her.

JJ and I dropped the girlies off and then had to run and find our spot on the parade route.

Jeron's cousin Turner and JJ

I would love to embarrass Jeron and tell the funny story that happened when he saw an ex on that day but I wouldn't do that to my poor husband. Let's just say FLUSTERED:)

Jeron with his family. Grandma and Grandpa were so cute collecting beads for Emma. Grandpa almost got in a fight with some mean guy who took a ball away from him. It was a good thing I wasn't there our I might have punched the guy. We are lucky that all of the grandparents are always there for our kiddos.

JJ loved seeing Herbie

(This is actually before the parade but the only picture that turned out) Ellie did great until she saw us and then she wanted off of the float. It was nice to have her back for the rest of the parade.

Emma looked so cute. I was sad that they didn't dance in front of us. She sure looked sweet though

Boo loving her Mama and Papa. They were so cute. Papa ran up and got a ball for Ellie and Mama made sure that Emma got some beads as well. All of the cute grandparents thinking of our kids. We are lucky to have them.

Boo stayed right by Mama the whole time. She would come over to me and then say "I go Mama" and run back. Too cute.

I was surprised that Grandma B came out to support Emma and Ellie in the heat and craziness but apparently she loves parades. When Ellie spotted her it was the cutest thing. She ran to her saying "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"

Ellie always sits so stinkin' cute.

After the parade we headed home. When we came back there was music playing. Ellie went right up to the stage and danced her little heart out.

Before that I took the little ladies and we played a little baseball. It was fun but funny. Imagine Emma pitching to me and Emma hitting with a bat almost as tall as her.

Ellie was such a helper carrying the balls. Boo came but unfortunately I didn't get a pic.

We went and picked up pizza and headed over to our blanket to people watch. This is one of Jeron's favorite things to do.

Sure do love these people

Our neighbor's the Otteson's sat by us this year. That was fun having them there.

My hottie and I

I love this picture. My boys are so goofy, and i love Emma's face

I just love this chick

Ellie has so much fun on days like this.

Elsie just makes me smile

Papa and his only Grandson

Mama and Papa came with us this year. Last year we were wondering how Mama was and this year we are so blessed that she was able to be here with us. I think back to the way I was feeling on the 3rd of July last year. It was a scary day, and one I will never forget. I am just so glad that all went well and that we still have my mom with us. I sure do love you, mom.

4th of July everyone
I love the 4th of July too! That is a darling family pic of you all!!
Okay, Molly seriously would have fallen over if she saw that Herbie car in real life! Too bad my hubbie doesn't "do" parades. Bah-hum-bug. Such beautiful skies in your fun pictures with those gorgeous sunset colors. And I never realized JJ was the only grandson...
Oh my, the sky before the fireworks was breathtaking. I love looking at all your pictures.
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