I love taking the kids to the pool but this year it is a whole new experience. I decided enough of this head counting thing every 2 minutes. I now put Boo and Ellie in life jackets and things are sweet. I actually don't feel like a ball of stress the whole time. LOVE IT! JJ and Emma can do there own thing and Ellie and Elsie stay afloat even when they trip. Don't get to stressed I still watch them it just feels better.
I love this pic, except Emma is pulling the weirdest face.

Seriously cutest bug looking through that hole.

She was so cold. Poor thing

Now it is Elsie's turn to pull the face. I have a pic just like this of JJ and Emma about the same age. Now they are all big. It goes way to fast.

My favorite quote of the day came from Boo. She said (right after I took my cover up off) "Mommy, you so naked!" IT was the cutest thing. I did have my suit on. She just thought I was a little to naked for her.
Elsie says the cutest things! Good thing you hadn't forgotten your suit! haha Can you imagine?!
That really is the cutest bug looking through that hole! Wish my little kiddo loved the pool. I have to talk her into every time we go. And we live in Texas, for crying out loud!!
You're so naked. Awesome! I love the wrapped in towels picture.
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