Saturday, July 31, 2010
Can you say OUCH!
It turns out that we did have to take him in to the doctor to remove the piece of paint still in his toe. He had to get a digital block. The nurse and the doctor were blown away with how brave he was about it. He really laughed, a nervous laugh, but laughed the whole time. I was very impressed with my tough boy. Once the toe was numb they just pried up the nail and dug away. If you don't have chills yet there is something seriously wrong with you.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Jana invited us to come to Classic water slides with her and her kiddos. We had a lot of fun and it brought back a lot of memories of my old stomping grounds. I am so very blessed to have a friend like Jana in my life. I love this lady to bits and pieces. It was a blasted hot day so I am glad that we spent it having so much fun.

Ellie found this tube floating so she snagged it up.
It is two sizes to small but she doesn't mind.
She took off at least 9 times that we counted.
Big water parks are not my friend with her
Just when it was time to pack up and leave JJ comes over in tears. He got a paint chip the size of a cm squared jammed in his toenail. Oh, it looked so painful and even now I get goosebumps. Poor kid. We were able to remove all but 1 tiny piece so it looks like the doctor is in our future. I didn't get a pic of Jana's boy cause I didn't see them the whole time. They were having too much fun. Corbin did help me get Ellie one time up the slide.
Jana looks all fab...she was going to an awesome concert later so she got all dressed up.
Our little stinkers are bound to be best buddies.
Our little stinkers are bound to be best buddies.

Ellie found this tube floating so she snagged it up.
It is two sizes to small but she doesn't mind.
She took off at least 9 times that we counted.
Big water parks are not my friend with her

Fabulous Friends,
Summer time
Sunday, July 25, 2010
34!!! Where did the time go!
This birthday has kind of been harder for me than 30 was. I love birthdays and I love aging. Weird I know. But this year I realized a few things that freaked me out. This is the age that when they have you fill out forms and list age in groups there is always
I am almost in a category with 60 year olds. Yikers. Then there is the idea that most procedures should start. You know the tests you get when you are OLD! I don't feel old, therefore I am not old. Right!?! This is starting to waver as well. I know what I thought of my parents at 35. They were not YOUNG by any means. They were ADULTS. I don't know if I want to be an adult. Oh well I guess that is what you get. THe worst is my body. When I have sat a long period of time and I stand up my knees hurt. What is that? Ugh...gracefully, gracefully, gracefully. I will just keep repeating that.
My cute hubby made me a cake and made cupcakes for my birthday. Here I am failing to blow out all the candles. In my defense the cake was awful far from me.
I am almost in a category with 60 year olds. Yikers. Then there is the idea that most procedures should start. You know the tests you get when you are OLD! I don't feel old, therefore I am not old. Right!?! This is starting to waver as well. I know what I thought of my parents at 35. They were not YOUNG by any means. They were ADULTS. I don't know if I want to be an adult. Oh well I guess that is what you get. THe worst is my body. When I have sat a long period of time and I stand up my knees hurt. What is that? Ugh...gracefully, gracefully, gracefully. I will just keep repeating that.
My cute hubby made me a cake and made cupcakes for my birthday. Here I am failing to blow out all the candles. In my defense the cake was awful far from me.
Mom's Moments
Friday, July 23, 2010
biRthDaY...mAde mY wAy
Everyone in my family says that I am quite the demanding princess on my big day. I don't actually agree with any of them. I do admit that I LOVE my birthday. My goal on my birthday is to just have fun with the people that I love. So if I say "Be nice, it is my birthday." it is just part of the goal to have a spectacular day.
This year Jeron was determined to make it a special day. I woke up and went and got my hair colored and my sweet friend/stylist had a Diet Coke and doughnut waiting for me. After 3 hours of being primped and put back together I left and came home to a brunch with my family. Jeron made crepes...my favorite. After that we headed up to Silver Lake up Big Cottonwood. It was really pretty. My family has issues with me taking picture ALL THE TIME, so today they all bit their tongues and let me be the hack photographer that I want to be. I took over 130 pictures and they didn't make a peep about it and when they did Jeron would shut them up quick. I wish the sun had worked with me as well as they did.
After the lake we went to dinner and then came home and played CLue which I lost twice and Puerto Rico which I actually won! They all had a lot of fun spanking my booty...ouch! I might have even shed a tear or two with that. All in all it was one of my most favorite birthdays. I was able to talk to a lot of people I love and hang out with the 5 people I love the mostest.
This year Jeron was determined to make it a special day. I woke up and went and got my hair colored and my sweet friend/stylist had a Diet Coke and doughnut waiting for me. After 3 hours of being primped and put back together I left and came home to a brunch with my family. Jeron made crepes...my favorite. After that we headed up to Silver Lake up Big Cottonwood. It was really pretty. My family has issues with me taking picture ALL THE TIME, so today they all bit their tongues and let me be the hack photographer that I want to be. I took over 130 pictures and they didn't make a peep about it and when they did Jeron would shut them up quick. I wish the sun had worked with me as well as they did.
I sure do love these kids.

Famiy Fun,
Mom's Moments,
Summer time
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Neighborhood Parade
We have a huge primary and this year the presidency decided to put that to good use and have a Days of 47' parade. We had fun with it and dressed the kids up as pioneer's (minus the shoes) Ellie and Emma had Pioneer hats that Mama and Papa brought back from Palmyra, New York so we made dresses for them and they looked darling. JJ was given a hat by Papa and we made do with clothes he had. They looked pretty cute in the end.

IT was nice of Mama and Papa to come to our little primary parade. We love spending time with them. The kids always beg them to stay longer.
I sure hope this parade makes a come back next year. It was really cute.
JJ and his friend decorated bikes together. It looks pretty cool.
Emma, Ellie and Shaela
IT was nice of Mama and Papa to come to our little primary parade. We love spending time with them. The kids always beg them to stay longer.
LDS Stuff,
Summer time
Pineview with the kiddo's
I love Pineview. I grew up going there all the time with my family and now, even though the experience if a different one my kids have the same kind of love for the lake as I have. We drive up the mountain and ohh and ahh at the beauty that surrounds us and then when we come up over the hill and look down and see the lake the same excitement fills the air that use to when I was little. We have so much fun playing in the water and escaping the dreaded summer heat.
When we first got there I of course went and showed the kids where the suburban drowned. That is one of my all time favorite stories. Then we headed to the beach. All the kids help get things set up we eat lunch and swim, explore, swim, layout, swim, eat, swim, play, swim and love life.
Even more I love that our tube is floating away in the background
Ellie spent a good hour just like this. I had to keep getting her and bringing her back into the water.
We had our fun and headed home. On our way home we had told JJ that he could run up a hill on the mountain side. When we passed his hill he was over it, but Emma wanted to try one a ways down so we pulled over and the kiddo's ran up the hillside...even JJ. It was absolutely beautiful. It reminded me of the sound of music. I almost broke out in "The Hills are Alive.."

When we first got there I of course went and showed the kids where the suburban drowned. That is one of my all time favorite stories. Then we headed to the beach. All the kids help get things set up we eat lunch and swim, explore, swim, layout, swim, eat, swim, play, swim and love life.
"Boo, run the sand is flippin' hot!"

Ellie spent a good hour just like this. I had to keep getting her and bringing her back into the water.

Summer time
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Having a fun hair day
I have been kind of a slacker in the hair department lately. I have been very UNINSPIRED to do much creating. I realized that I was letting one of my most favorite moments slip away. I love when I can just stand and talk with one of my kids without any other distractions. Doing hair is the perfect moment with my girls (except Ellie who cries the whole time unless I am doing a full of Broadway production.) We decided to go back to our roots and spend a little "extra" time doing hair. I of course had to take pictures of our new creations we found and did. For some lame reason I didn't take a picture of Emma's hair.

The best part was that all three girls had a good time and they all looked well kept after;)

The best part was that all three girls had a good time and they all looked well kept after;)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Date night with my kiddos
I am not very good about just taking my older two kids and doing something for just them. Well, tonight we did just that. JJ wanted to go and see the Sorcerer's Apprentice. We went to the late show. It was fun to listen to them talk and just be goofy with them.

They both had a great time. They kept telling me that I am a cool mom and that they think I would will a mom competition because I am so nice. Haha, here I thought I was so mean. They really are great kids. Let's just hope they remember this in about 5 years.
They both had a great time. They kept telling me that I am a cool mom and that they think I would will a mom competition because I am so nice. Haha, here I thought I was so mean. They really are great kids. Let's just hope they remember this in about 5 years.
Famiy Fun
Dinner with the cousins
Jeron's cousin Turner is in town from Hawaii and him and the Jones went to Lagoon for the day. We stole them for dinner and then took them back to Lagoon. It was a lot of fun having the kids over. I know my kids loved it. We really should do more things like this. They are all getting so old now though, that I am afraid it might not happen. So we will take what we can get.
So next time you guys come up give us a call and we'll do dinner:)
Courtney, JJ, Taylor, kylie, Emma
Extended Snow Family
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