Tonight we got done with dinner fairly early. I told Jeron it would be nice to work before family home evening. He took the kid downstairs while I worked. I got done and went into the kitchen I saw that it was a mess. I told the kids to come up and finish and Jeron yells up to me "No. You come down." I really was irritated but did anyways. That is when I found three of my children wrapped up like burritos. I ran up got the camera, grabbed a blanket for Elsie, and came back and they were out. Jeron could see my frustration so he wrapped them up again. This time we threw Elsie into the mix and here are the results.

Yes I think in some homes this would be considered torture. As you can tell Elsie agrees. Dont worry the three older ones were loving it. Elsie was only in hers long enough to take the pics. She was actually not even wrapped. I think she was afraid of the whole thing to start with.
I love it when dad is in never know what will happen and what kind of shape you will find the house in. The kids all look so cozy rolled up. It makes me want to go grab a blanket and curl up with my kiddos! My family is all doing well, thanks for asking. Kelly lives about a hour and fifteen minutes from me. I wish it was closer but I guess it's closer than when she was in Utah. She has one little girl, Breckyn, who is six months. How is all your family doing? Tell your mom and dad I say HI! I will need to let you know when I'm in town next and we will have to meet up, even if it's only for a few minutes. I miss You!
How Fun!! I love Ellie's hair, she looks like Pippi Longstocking with her braids sticking straight up in the air! Don't you just love how Dad's play, why can't mom's think more creative-oh because we get to clean up the mess!!
So cute. I wish someone would wrap me up and tell me not to do ANYTHING for a while.
I finally got onto your blog! it was so fun to catch up on oh like the past 4 months. Crazy. It looks like all is going well. You guys have been busy and have done a lot of really fun stuff. It was so fun to hang out with you for a little bit last night, we should do it more often! Love ya.
Dads are so funny! I always love the crazy things Rick comes up with when he's with the kids.
Looks like they had a great time!
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