Where does the time go? Elsie is showing more and more of her personality. She is sweet as sugar,and with the twinkle of an eye she is as mean as a bear. She is definitely a Mama's girl. I have about a 2 foot reach before she starts to get nervous. She is saying a few things. Mostly she says the things Ellie can say. One of my favorite things that she says is Mum. We think she might be English because she always calls me Mum. She loves to play with her dolly. She carries her all over the house. She also is usually wearing dress up shoes or the shoes of some poor unsuspecting girl who takes them off at the front door. She sings along to the radio and dances her little legs off. She is obsessed with my phone. She loves to play Peek-a-Boo Barn on it. She will bring it to me and say Bar. That is telling me that she wants to play. Ellie and Elsie have an interesting relationship. They are mortal enemies then the best of friends. Elsie has a tendency to pull hair, bit, and scratch. This has made Ellie a little hesitant to hang out with her too long. Elsie is our animal lover, I thought Emma was until Elsie. Elsie wants to pick up every puppy or kitty that she sees. She is a little rough with them so it makes me nervous at times. She will see a horse on the side of the road and yell "MUM!" at the top of her lungs and point to it. She really is so cute. I will have to say she is a handful. At times I don't think I have enough left in me to deal with her moods, but then she will do the cutest thing to remind me just why I love her so. Jeron and I often say she is lucky she is so stinking cute, because with that temper she is a lot to take. One of her favoirte people in this world is my brother David. He tells me that she is just so smart she gets frustrated when she is not understood. She is one smart cookie. We love her and are so glad she is part of our family.
Now, that is one cute girl, Megan. You did good with that one (okay, and all of them!)! I can't believe I don't know this little child of your at all, but she does sound an awful lot like Clara. Surely they should be great friends!!! Britt
Those are the cutiest pictures. What a cutie!!! She reminds me alot of Kendyl.
Now, that is one cute girl, Megan. You did good with that one (okay, and all of them!)! I can't believe I don't know this little child of your at all, but she does sound an awful lot like Clara. Surely they should be great friends!!!
By the way, who did her pictures? are those Hailey? Or you?
She is a DOLL! And wow, does she look like her beautiful "Mum!"
She is absolutely adorable!! I know I only see her through the blogging world but 18 months has flown by for me too! Love the shoes-so cute!!
I wonder who she gets that fiery personality from?!? (JK) What a cutie! I think it might be time for another...after all you guys do good!
What a little dolly!
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