It was a lot of work but so rewarding. I have only canned one other time with my Dad. We did raspberries. So this was my first time doing it all by myself. I will have to say I think it turned out pretty good. As of right now I can't stand the sight of chicken so it will be awhile before we break open a jar. I will have to say I am a little nervous to eat it. I know it is fine but just the thought of chicken on my shelf gives me the willies.

After the high of the chicken wore off, I decided to do my very first freezer jam. is the easiest thing to do. I can't believe I have never done it. The kids helped and we banged out 13 jars in an hour. It tastes so yummy. I think I have found a new favorite thing to do. I love the feeling when you step back and look at what you have accomplished.

Ellie was more of a mess than a help but she had fun. She would smash the strawberries and get them everywhere. I spent more time cleaning her, then I did on the Jam.
Ellie was crying from her room and this is how I found her. She still has her shoes on. She is covered is strawberries. She started laughing when I walked in her room. That is why I let her help. She has such a great time doing it. I guess the mess she makes is worth it to see that silly smile.
You are ambitious! I've never done kind of scares me too. But I have to admit it would save a TON of time. Let me know how you feel about it in a couple months:)
Wow girl, I'm impressed! You can also do ground beef--
LOVE freezer jam. Unfortunately, not one person in my family likes jam, so I don't make it. I wish I lived next to you, then I could borrow a jar. :)
I love freezer jam. I think I need to give making it a try as well instead of just mooching off of my mom!!
My oh My........ Look at you working mom and canning. How do you do it?
If you want to do anything else, let me know I will come teach you and help you. Way to go!!
I can't tell you how impressed I am.
I really, really, really want to learn to can. Maybe we can get into this together! I've never done it before, but I definitely want to. And I must say that I LOVE that you took a glamour shot with your chicken :)
PS, you were the first person I thought about this morning. Seriously. Don't be surprised if I crash your place today! But then again, knowing me, don't be surprised if I don't either :)
Wow, that is a ton of chicken!! I buy the cases from the cannery of chicken chunks-they look so disgusting but actually taste just like chicken. I had no idea you could can chicken, I can see how you might turn vegetarianish after all of that!!
Good for you! Freezer jam is one of our favorite's too, so easy it's amazing huh?!
Anything on a counter that cute would look appetizing! And ever since I got married (almost 10 yrs ago) I'be been wanting to make freezer jam. I can't stand anything from the store, so I just go without. I've heard it's so easy, yet why does the concept elude me?! You've inspired me though. I'm going to try it. Soon. I hope. Maybe in a month. Or two. :)
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