Our sister-in-law text me on Friday and asked if we wanted a room in Park City. So after a lot of scrabbling we found babysitters and headed out for a kid free get-away. We went to dinner, saw a movie,stayed up until 4am, ate at The Eating Establishment, went shopping, hung out, ate at the Park City Pizza, and had a wonderful time. We even slept in. What? People still sleep in? Oh it was so nice. On the way home Jeron said "So, are you missing the kids?" I looked at him with a puzzled look and said "Nope, not at all." I could have used a few more days before that started happening. :)

Tara thanks for getting us a room. Michael and Brynn, David, and John thanks for watching our kids.
So glad you got to get away together!!
I only have one kid and I have LOVED the few chances Jeremy and I've had as a getaway. It's healthy!
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