At Christmas Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tara gave JJ and Emma gift cards to Barnes and Noble. My kids LOVE to read so this was the perfect gift for each of them. We loaded up our van and headed to the local B&N. They were in heaven. JJ is very into fantasy books and is in the middle of 4 different series right now. He ended up getting "Leven Thumps" book 4 and "Peter and the Shadow Thieves" (I just might have to read these myself). Emma got "The Wish" and "Ella Enchanted". Emma loves a series called "The Princess Tales." She was thrilled to find out that the author wrote the two books that she got. I am always blown away at how much my kids read. They devour books. It is a lot different then me, and such a good difference.
Ellie and Elsie couldn't leave empty handed so they got special books of their own. It ended up that the kids were thrilled to come home and just read. Not to bad of a day after all.
They look like they are in a cartoon!! How cool!!!!!
We spend WAY too much time at Barnes and Noble. In fact, I think we go there or Half Price Books more than the library. That's kind of sad!
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