I woke up this morning not laughing at mother natures April Fool' Joke. I was in no mood to see snow. Plus I got a call from work saying they needed a dictation done by 1:30pm so that meant trying to juggle the kids and work at the same time. After I picked Ellie up from preschool we decided to make a Snowman. I thought that would help me not feel so guilty when I placed them in front of the TV to babysit them. The snow was extremely slushy so it was HEAVY. After a lot of failed attempts to get the middle on the bottom we decided (really I did) to make him a sleeping snowman. So there you have it. Our fabulous snow man.

The girls pretending to lock me out. Aren't they silly trickers. JJ had stayed home from school cause he was sick so I wasn't to worried if they actually did figure it out. We went in and made lunch. I put the top romen in the microwave and started heating it up. I looked at the clock and HOLY CRAP it was 2:56pm. It took me a really long time to make that fricken' snowman. I start running around in a rush, because I had to get my work in at 1:30 and now I am totally late. I can hear JJ snickering in the study. I go in there and he yells "April Fool's, i changed the clocks" He really got me. He had no clue that i had to get work in so it was a double bonus for him on that one.

I thought okay I need to get my kids at least once. I made this fake "Jeron" and just left him there for each of them to find.
(Except Elsie she helped me make it, funny part about that is she was terrified of him after he was made.)

Emma was the first to come upon him. She yells Daddy and runs in and stomps on his leg. Her foot went all the way to the ground.
Next was JJ. He saw him and snuck up on him and stepped on his booty hard. Again his foot sunk to the ground.
Then it was Ellie's turn. She stepped all over him and still called him Daddy. In fact when Jeron got home and she saw both of them she was really confused.
Last was Jeron, he came in noticed the legs and went in and gingerly touched him with his foot. He thought it was my dad, but wasn't sure. I told him it was my boyfriend.
It was really funny to see each of their faces as the step on him. JJ and Emma both has looks of terror like they had really hurt him. Then laughed their heads off at how real the behind looked. THey kept saying "It looks just like dads bum."
I thought it was interesting that all 3 of my kids tried to hurt him by stomping on him.
After the fake dad April Fool's joke we had a fool's dinner. Everyone was given a paper plate and that was it. We had a cup in front of us that had everything on the menu including the utinsils and cup cut into word strips. You could draw out 3 word strips at a time. That is what you got for that course.

The kids had a lot of fun after a little complaining. The craziest one would have to be when you got a drink without a cup. I had to eat spaghetti sauce only without any utensil. Emma lucked out and got her sauce and noodles together. Jeron did the best he got Sauce, noodles, and fork. Go figure, I wonder how he did that. The craziest would have to be JJ. He got butter, cup and fork. What do you do with that? After each round you had to give up what you had and start all over. Jeron got butter, bread, and knife, does anyone see a pattern? It was a lot of fun to see the craziness we came up with. I love that my family is willing to have fun with me. After we ate crazy I told them they could have seconds normal. There was a few sighs of relief and my hubby said "Oh, if I had known that I might have guessed differently." Hum, was that a confession of cheating? Ha, got to love him.
I love that your kids "stomped" on Jeron. I seriously need to remember this for next year. So funny :)
HA HA HA that totally looked like a real person. I would have stomped on him too.
Oh and you should have come to Bella's birthday DUH!! Come next year for sure!
My favorite is JJ's look on the last picture! How fun!
I want to come live at your house...you are so much FUN!
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