We got an awesome deal for the weekend. It was $10 a ticket and free parking to go to Lagoon. Since it cost us $$$ a lot more than that to take our family we couldn't pass it up. We were shocked when we told our kids we were going to Lagoon and JJ and Emma both whined "Doooo weeee have tooooo?" Seriously are you kidding me. When we went to Lagoon growing up there was nothing that would have gotten in my way. I would give up almost anything for a chance to go to Lagoon. Proven by the fact that my dad would drop us off at 9am on his way to work and my bro and me would wait until it opened a couple of hours later. Now, I am not so much the Lagoon fan but I do enjoy going once a year. So Jeron and I were baffled by our children complaining.
We thought about leaving them home but that didn't pan out so our only option was to take the ungrateful rug-rats and try to have some kind of fun. Well, on the drive over the mood in our car started to get a bit excited. By the time we drove to lagoon they were ecstatic about going in.
JJ, Emma, and Ellie Puff.
JJ and Ellie's faces are priceless. Bored to tears and scared to death

Ellie and Elsie on the tug boats.
Elsie bawled her eyes out after this picture. Hilarious! 
Daddy, JJ, and Emma enjoying the headache mouse, I mean the Wild Mouse.

Just Chillin'

Ellie and Mommy on the music express.
Ellie was scared until I told her to put up her arms and smile. 
SkyRide with JJ

Daddy and Emmers on the sky ride

I will have you know that the little ladies and me beat them across Lagoon on foot and stopped to take pictures of them. We made it over to my FAVORITE ride The Samaria right when it closed. I sweet talked the worker into letting me go on. JJ and Emma went on the Umbrella ride for there finally ride. It was only 5 hours at Lagoon but that is plenty for me. We had a great time and now WE ARE DONE! Wahoo!

Ahhh Lagoon. Jeff and I went... never again! LOL. We couldn't get over all the trashy people... yikes!
Maybe when we have kids... but not anytime soon.
Glad ya'll had fun!! :)
I'm a sucker for roller coasters! I can't wait until Molly is tall enough to ride one. But seeing as she's a shrimp like me, who knows how long that could be. Sigh...
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