For our ward Christmas party this year we had a big dinner, a music group performed and Santa came to see the kids. I will have to say that this was not the real Santa. Sometimes he asked others to help out when he can't make it. He is a very busy man. JJ and Emma walked out of the room where Santa was and couldn't wait to shout out "Santa isn't Santa he is Brother Peterson!" There was a lot of kids that heard them. Oops. I had to hurry and quiet them before they ruined it for the kids that hadn't gone in yet.
JJ was a little embarrassed to sit on Santa's lap. He says he is to big...(record skips) What did you say? You are NEVER to big to sit on Santa's lap.

Emma as cute as a button.

Ellie already loved Bro Peterson I mean Santa.

Elsie loved Santa most of all. Hehehehehe Love this shot.

After the dinner and musical numbers a couple of the men decided that they should have an impromptu marshmallow throwing war. Was my husband one of the ring leaders? I will never tell! I think it was funny I don't know who has more fun, the kids or the men. I think the Bishop might have been one of the worst ones. Okay Jeron was but who is counting. Needless to say Jeron felt that because he threw a "few" we should stay and help clean up. What a good guy. It was a lot of fun to hang out with everyone. I am just happy to have my Elsie freaking out Santa pic:) That made my night.
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