Due to the crappy way I was feeling pictures are not the best. All the kids look like rag-a-muffins. I still love them though. Christmas Eve is always one of my favorite times. We spend it only with with our little family. We have a nice dinner, open one present that is always Christmas pajamas, watch Luke II with Breath of Heaven playing during it, read Twas the Night Before Christmas, and then the Elf rings a bell to warn the kids Santa is on his way. This year we did all of this just felt a little under the weather in the process.
Emma was hilarious this year. When the Elf rang the bell she was certain it was Jeron or I. She kept running and trying to find the bell that had just rung. She would not believe it was the Elf. Finally after that poor Elf rang the bell like 10 times she finally knew that it was the real bell and not Jeron or I.

After the kids have all gone to bed Jeron and I wrap. When I say Jeron and I, I really mean I wrap and Jeron watches movies. We get all the presents wrapped and drag our tired bodies to bed. Then Santa comes and fills the stockings and places all the presents under the tree and puts the kids gifts from him in little individual piles.
This year JJ woke up every hour on the hour. By the time Jeron and I went to bed JJ had made it almost impossible for Santa to be able to come. It was a good thing he finally went to sleep. We rolled into bed at 2:30pm.
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