It turns out that Ellie pushed Elsie off of the chair and on her way down she hit the table with her mouth. OUCH! Poor girl has a tough road ahead I believe. She split her lip open and the blood just gushed. It was all over me all over her and all over the table. Sometimes these blood baths make me panic. Of course I called my parents and they reassured me that she was fine and would not need stitches. After five minutes of dabbing the blood I was able to take the advice that they had given.
The best part is this is always right when I need to get the food out of the oven and Jeron walks in the door. I often wonder what he thinks when he walks in. Also it would be nice not to burn all my dinners.
Jackson is just as sneaky! Usually he minds his own business, but every once in a while he sneaks over and gives someone a good push or slap.
Poor baby!
Dinner prep is my least favorite part of the day. Ugh. I've always said if I ever fall into big money, I'm totally hiring a personal chef!
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