and noticed Ellie's eyes were swelling up tight.
We decided to watch her
cause that just doesn't seem right
We weren't watching close enough
cause next thing we knew a mess we had
She had an oops an peed and pooed her pants
This always makes mom really quite sad.
We rushed and cleaned up the mess
Off to the bath our little Belle must go.
She was just placed in the warm water when
from the bathroom I hear JJ scream "Oh NO!"
What could the problem be now?
I turn of the tap and started to run.
JJ yelling "hurry the water is overflowing!"
I screamed back at him "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"
I turn of the water as fast as I can.
Nothing helped, water just kept flowing.
It was coming out fast with no thought of stopping
The water on the floor was growing and growing.
Then I noticed where it came from
There was a nice big crack in the tank
This wasn't an overflow to deal with
It was a broken toilet, my heart it sank:(

We dumped all the crayons to use the bucket
got all the towels and dried the floor
Then back to my child in the bath
where I sat and thought I can't take much more.
We got the kids down, and I went to get my work
until I noticed my computer mouse would not move.
I called my Mom, and my brother and neither one could help
off to bed I went cause my mood no one could improve
Drifting off into sleep I finally went
and then I heard little Boo crying
We got her up and a fever she had
what was all of this night implying?
I went to get her some medication
and opened my cupboards to find none.
So off to the store I sent Jeron
I told him to hurry don't walk...RUN!
We finally got things settled down
Jeron and I went to sleep fast
With worry of what tomorrow might bring
we were hoping that this thing was the last
When morning came Ellie walked in the room.
My heart sank when I saw she looked like a who
Her eyes were swollen shut an her mouth as well.
So bring it, bring it I say. Cause what ever it is I can handle it too!
I take that back cause now I have the FLU!
Oh No!! What a way to enjoy the holidays!! I love your optimistic outlook and bring it on attitude! I hope you are all feeling well to ring in 2010!!
This was extremely entertaining...funny and sad at the same time!! Poor Snow's! At least you made up for it with your disgusting Elf dinner :)
Love the poem...and hope you're feeling better! So how did the toilet bowl crack? That sounds like something I want to try and avoid. :)
Loved how brilliant your post was! however did you think of all those rhymes after a day like that. Do you feel better about the day now though, because you have such a cute poem to remember it with. One day you will look back and laugh. Laugh loud okay
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