We had our girls dance recital this weekend. They both did such a great job. Which is actually quite amazing once you know how many times they missed dance. I forgot all the time with Emma. I hate hate hate things on Friday's and that is when her classes were. Because of this she would miss dance almost every other week. (good job Mom)
Ellie loves to be on stage. She looked so cute in her costume and really kept up with all the other girls. she looked so cute.
Ellie in her flapper costume

Ellie with her friends Rachel and Drew. Can you tell Ellie hates the choker.

Ellie's Class

Ellie with our neighbor Riley. It was really cute they had to partner up. Ellie didn't have anyone and so Riley came from the other side of the stage to be her partner. She helped Ellie slip their arms together. It really was cute and what a sweet girl Riley is.

Ellie in Tap

Ellie in Ballet

Sweet Sisters

Emma really has missed way to much this year. I was a little worried about how well she would do with missing so much . I think she was as well. She actually did really good. She kept up with the other girls just fine. She is becoming so graceful.
Emma loves her costume.

Emma and her BFF Baylee

Emma's Class

Emma in her tap dance

Emma in her Ballet

It is always so great to have our family come and support our girls. Thank you for coming. It means a lot to the girls and to us.
Mama and Papa with Emma

Mama and Papa with Ellie

Emma was so excited/nervous when she found out her school teacher was coming. All the girls were going crazy back stage. you would think Ms Tia is a rock star.

Uncle David and Emma

Uncle David and Ellie

Our family is so proud of our girls
How fun!! I love dance! I can't wait to put Bella in it. You girls look beautiful!
Cute! It looks like they had a blast. And I'm with you on the Friday thing.
Cutie patooties!!
I love the picture of Emma and Ellie together! How fun for them to do dance, how not fun for you on Friday nights. I have always wished my girls were in dance. They like soccer and basketball more. How lucky you are that your pictures are not of them dripping sweat down there face!
They are both absolutely adorable!! How cute that Emma's teacher came, I am impressed!
We did have the same weekend. Awesome. So fun!
I really like that flapper outfit! What a fun weekend.
Megan...you have got some stinking cute girls! Emma looks way too old with that costume on and hair looking lovely. Where has the time gone? And Ellie is a doll. I bet everyone watching was just dying over how cute she was.
The girls are too cute! That is so good that Ellie is in dance, she is such a smart girl, maybe I should try Jackson in something.
Cute stuff! I love your girls and their dance costumes are so cute! LOVE IT!!
I cannot wait for Mara to start dance in the fall!!!!I never thought I'd get to the point where I had a daughter in dance!!YEA!!
You have beautiful, talented girls! What a fun, fun, thing. I can't wait for dance recitals!
your girls are darling! i can't wait to put preslee in dance!
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