About three weeks ago Ellie tripped while walking into her speech appointment and hit the door. It chipped her tooth at that time. Well about one week ago I noticed that her gum's were bleeding. I looked at the tooth and noticed that it had cracked. I took her into the dentist and he thought it would be a good idea to take it out. Turns out he was right. The tooth was split all the way up. Poor little lady has been having nerve pain since it happened. All I can say is she is a trooper. I don't know very many people that can handle nerve pain like she did.
So Ellie had her front tooth taken out today. She had to have it done at the Hospital because they had to watch her airway. So here we go on surgery #9. I overheard a 93 year old man say this was his first surgery. He is 93, Ellie is four. There is something wrong with this picture.
Ellie liked that they gave her a blanket to take home and a box of fun things. Sometimes it is nice to not take her to PCMC. The other hospitals are so cute with your kids because they never get kids. She was spoiled with attention and everyone kept telling us how cute she is.

Here is the before shot. Notice that the tooth is gray.

The Dentist came out and gave us the down low. He says she has been in a lot of pain. I feel so bad for the little lady. If anyone needs a good peds dentist he is wonderful.
Before we ever saw Ellie we got to see her tooth. This is what it looks like normally

This is what it looks like with the crack! YIkes!

After surgery in the recovery room. She had a hard time coming out because she was coughing so much. She is still having a hard time with her cough but it is getting better.

Poor baby needs to get a break now. No more surgeries for a really really long time. Knock on wood.
Oh how sad! Poor Ellie. I hope she feels better soon.
Ohhh, this breaks my heart! She is such a sweet little girl.
Oh my....PoOr GiRl!! She looks so cute getting ready for surgery. I love how proud she is of all her new toys. I can not belive she was in that much pain and just lived with it. On a side note I loved Emmas hair for crazy hair day. I totally would of voted for her. I just may have to borrow that hair style for next years crazy hair day.
What a trooper! I cannot believe such a little tooth could cause such problems!
I got your message about taking her to the ER. Thanks for keeping me posted and I am sooooo glad she is ok. Give her lots of snuggles for me!!
What a little trooper. I'm glad she is doing better.
Man that is sad. She is a trooper holy cow.
Oh my heck, Megan I feel so bad for her!!! Poor thing, Jackson is the same way with pain,you would never know anything is wrong. She is absolutely beautiful though, I can't wait till we can see you guys again!
Such a strong and brave little girl....and she seems so happy too. What a sweetheart!
Oh, you need a break! What a trooper.
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