Since the third grade had their program on Crazy Hair Day, they let them do it this Friday. JJ was so excited after Emma won that he planned all week what he was going to do. He was going to make the ultimate hair sacrifice and shave his head. He did a pretty funky pattern and I thought he looked rather
CRAZY! So again I sit all day and wait to find out the results. He gets home and the results are in. I hear a "Mom, guess what..." I am on the phone so I tell him to stop yelling in the house the baby is a sleep and go back to my conversation. Then he comes in the room and tells me he...

LOST! He was devastated to put it mildly. The poor kid had shaved his head and lost. He only got three votes out of 29 kids. One being his own. I felt so bad for him. I think his hair was pretty crazy. He lost to a kid that wore a wig. A WIG! He was so upset. He wishes he had never shaved his head. So if you read this post please tell JJ your vote. Was it crazy or not. He needs to know that he didn't shave his head for nothing.
Wig or JJ
MY vote is of course for JJ! I think your hair rocked!
JJ all the way!!
JJ of course!!!
My vote is for JJ! I can't belive how crazy his hair is!!!!
What? How in the world did he not win?!? I totally vote for JJ. Way to go JJ for having the guts to shave your head, and way to go Megan for having the guts to let him!
As someone who does hair...... a wig is not hair it is a wig and that is LAME. JJ your hair is by far the craziest that I have ever seen!
JJ, even though I don't love it right now, you had the best crazy hair I have ever seen on a boy! WOW!
That hair is CRAAA-ZY!!!! Wow JJ, you are one brave dude. You totally have my vote. Wig, schmig!
Of course you should have won JJ, but winning isn't everything, its how you play the game and you played it hard core!!! lOVE IT!
JJ, that is some seriously crazy hair!
DEFINITELY crazy---he should have won!!!
Oh sooooo crazy. You win. I never saw the whole thing, but man you get my vote. :)
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