This was Ellie's first year and she LOVED it. When ever I would tell her to go and get her soccer clothes on she would scream YEAH! She would cry when it was her turn to sit out. Ellie had the BEST soccer coach. She was so cute with the girls and really tried to include Ellie in everything. Ellie was able to kick the ball with corner kicks and kick off. (not sure that is the right terminology) She would stay right with the herd. It was an excellent experience for her. Ellie was lucky enough to have Mama and Papa come to some games. Along with them Uncle David came and braved the cold one game. Grandma and Grandpa also came to one.

This was Emma's first year of soccer as well. Our kids are bit timid so we have told each of them if they score a goal they can get $100. Needless to say we did not have to pay out any money this year. Emma however was very aggressive and played hard. She did a wonderful job. However in her last game of the season she did let a goal slip past her. She told me after that her BFF was telling her a story. What is a girl suppose to do? Emma also had a great coach. She played the girls equally and fairly. Which isn't always an easy thing to do. Emma was lucky enough to have Mama and Papa to some of her games as well as a special visit by Aunt Maren.

This year JJ's coach really worked on playing positions. JJ played defensive back. He actually did really well. He go over being timid and started to really go after the ball. In fact he did so well he was able to earn $30 for how aggressive he became. Yes we have to bribe our kids to be aggressive in sports. Sad I know. JJ was lucky enough to have Mama and Papa come to some games. This was great to have Papa come and give him advice from the sidelines. Papa is a darn good soccer player. He also had Uncle Smitty come, and he along with Emma had a special visit from Aunt Maren.
What I didn't capture was the ball and the awesome block he got.

I will have to say that I am not sad the season is over. It made for some crazy nights and a horrible eating schedule. But I am sad that we don't have something fun for the kids to do every night. I will miss the chit chats with the neighbor ladies. Most of all I am just glad we made it through the season. The kids all improved and had fun thanks to great coaches and wonderful family support.