We like to do things last minute so of course the Draper Temple Open House was no different. We took all the kids. I thought for sure we would be able to get pictures outside but there were tents set up that took you from the bus to the bus. So I was a little bummed, and if I would have known we wouldn't have carried the camera's to just add weight to our already heavy diaper back. Jeron and I were really impressed with all that went into this open house. I think it turned out really nice. The kids were very interested in the Baptismal Font. Ellie loved to look at it. Emma loved the Bride's room of course. JJ had to be our ox. Between Ellie and Elsie Jeron and I had our hands full so the little guy carried the fifty pound diaper bag some of the time. Our kids loved it. At the end they talked about eternal families in the Sealing room. I cried...SHOCK! It was just so neat to sit with my family in the temple and think about when we got married and where we are now. Love forever is pretty awesome. After I asked the kids what they liked best. They all said the Sealing Room. We had a great time, but I was happy to see my car again. Oh and the ginger snap cookies they had at the end were so yummo! Loved that part.
Okay Megan, I can't let this one go. It is Sealing room, not Ceiling room. The difference is being sealed and having a room with a ceiling. Oops! Love you!
How cool that you are close enough to do something like that. A very special experience for your family.
PS noticed that you changed the ceiling room :)
So I have not had time to check in for awhile. Looks like things have been busy! How sweet of JJ to help his little sis and mom out! Loved the outfit. So looks like I may need to take cake decorating classes from you.
o.k. so i haven't been blog visiting much lately and i had a lot to catch up on yours! you have been a busy girl! i love all of the pics of elsie's b-day and love love love emma's cake! you are a darling mom! oh and thank you for your cute comment on my blog-- i actually LOVED the experience you shared-- and of course it made me cry the whole lesson! lol :)
You got an awesome picture of the temple!! Did you have to climb on top of one of the monstrous houses down there to get it!! You guys look so cute!
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