Excited about getting princess peach

Emma was interesting opening her presents. I think I need to teach her how to be a little more gracious. She went through them at record speed, and there was a ton. She got the cutest clothes ever! The outfit Mama and Papa got her I want for me. It is the cutest Jacket, skirt, and shirt ever. They also gave her a DS game, and money for Disneyland. I guess there was a memo sent out by someone that told everyone to get her pink. Both sets of Grandparents go her clothes that went very well together. I also missed the shoe memo. Holy moly shoes shoes shoes. She got six pairs. Grandma and Grandpa got her three pairs (they also got her some HSM3 things and Hannah Montana makeup. Maren got her two pairs of shoes. and our Cousin friends got her a pair. They are all so cute. When I talked to Emma later I said did you like your presents. She said YES! I asked why she went so fast through them then. She looked confused and said, I did?

The best part was when Emma tried to blow out the candles she for sure did not get her wish. she blew not once, not twice, not three times, not four times, not until number five (when Mom and Dad help) did she get them . It must be all that smoking that girl does? Seriously though there is no wish happening for her. Poor thing. Funny thing about that. I said did you make a wish and she said "No, I forgot." Good thing!
Emma exhausted from blowing so much!

Papa, Mama, and Elsie, with Emma in her cute skirt

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